The Medical center IMSKE participates together with the Institute on Health Research of the Medical center La Fe sobre Valencia , in a study that…
Foods that worsen the functioning of the immune system
The immune system is one of the essential structures of the organism of any human being. By itself, it has the ability to perform its…
This has been this medicine that helps protect a stomach
Omeprazole Teva-Rimafar was the drug officially approved by the Spanish Agency for Medicines with Health Products (AEMPS). Contains this active principle of omeprazole with acts…
This would be the ratio of elevated rich acid to cardiovascular risk
The increase over the levels of rich acid has been the primary aspect of risk for the development of a disease known as gout .…
Contraindications of paracetamol with side effects
The paracetamol is one of the best-selling drugs today. It is usually prescribed to treat mild-moderate pain or to treat fever generally. And it is…
This is the best p to reduce cholesterol levels with triglycerides
Presenting high levels of cholesterol poses a risk to health , especially because it is an aspect of risk for the increase in blood pressure…
Ibai Llanos makes a statement about the importance of mental health viral
Today few people exist who do not know Ibai Llanos . The influencer dedicated to directing on the platform Twitch , little by little he…
How iron deficiency influences cardiovascular disease risk
The new study published on ESC Center Failure , a journal on the European Society for Cardiology, states that the large number of cases on…
Like you can increase the levels on Vitamin Chemical in the fall
The vitamin Deb is one of the micronutrients master of science important for health About people. However, both in Spain and in Europe master of…
This will be the protein that will reduce liver failure on older donors on transplants, study
A study on Spanish styra researchers characterized the effects of silencing on protein MCJ on preclinical models of ischemia with reperfusion with liver regeneration. The…