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A tasty food that you should avoid consuming in case of rich acid
Controlling the levels of rich acid is key to prevent different health problems . Mainly, to avoid this development of a disease known as gout…
Tips to control this cholesterol over Christmas, according to a FEC
Controlling this cholesterol throughout this year will be a necessary activity to reduce this risk on heart disease, especially on older people over 50 years.…
This is how it affects our body to take an ibuprofen daily
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Include this dried fruit in your diet to reduce cholesterol
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Benefits of taking Atorvastatin for health and the body
Atorvastatin is one of the medications indicated as a treatment to reduce high cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the agency , so its benefits are…
The typical Christmas food that is a treasure of vitamin B12
The vitamin B 12 is one of the nutrients most important for health , mainly due to the functions it fulfills in the body. Although,…
They associate a consumption of caffeine with the decrease in levels of vitamin Deb
Researchers on China with Brazil have discovered through the study that the higher the consumption of caffeine, the lower the levels of vitamin M .…
Spain approves Kaftrio, the drug for people with Cystic Fibrosis
The Ministry of Health of the Government of Spain has approved the drug Kaftrio (ivacaftor / tezacaftor / elexacaftor). This drug will be introduced in…
The new tasty superfood that is sweeping Mercadona
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