Nesta tera-feira (16) was announced to reduce the time interval between the doses of reinforcing the vaccination of COVID – 19 . According to the…
HPV: 7 myths that prevent someone from running
Sponsored Count Or human papillomavrus , more known as HPV, um vrus responsible for causing fights mucous infections. With more than different types, each HPV…
Pele oleosa zero vero: test your knowledge about an issue
Sponsored Count There are different factors that influence the appearance of a skin. Not in case of oily skin, excessive production of sebum can occur…
Why some people tm um buraquinho no alto da orelha?
Normally lost for being little, that curious buraquinho no mole da cartilagem da orelha, where she is more than face, not a trace of a…
Cigarette smoking can cause death of two olhos cells
A study conducted by researchers from the Gifu Pharmaceutical University, zero Japo, pointed out that a smoke produced cigarette hair died of cells from cornea…
Banoffee sem acar cake
A delicious after-dinner banoffee cake that combines the flavor of esfarelados biscuits, banana, cinnamon and a dozen of leite. This saudvel verse is a classic…
Rubola christmas pregnancy: causes, riscos electronic preveno
The rubella alguma highly contagious acute doena that can attack adults electronic crianas on any faixa etria, not being considered burial plot. O fator de…
Black people tm less access to services on psychological sade
The psychological reference refers to being emotional, psychological, and electronic public, or that it can mean different things for different people, depending on your personal…
How to take care of a fighter in large electronic cities to avoid the harmful effects of a pollution?
Pra quem gosta perform agitated, live in large cities can seem like a paradise, contudo not bem assim. High levels of pollution, for example, therefore…
Banho de assento faz bem para a sade intima?
O banho de assento um old habit, perpetuated by geraes, that lightens some discomforts that affect the intimate sade – that could be the result…