Joye Braun the Protester of Dakota Access die

Joye Braun died recently at the age of 53. Joye Braun worked tenaciously for Native American rights.

She passed away on November 13, 2022. Joye Braun’s unexpected death surprised and grieved many people. What happened to Joye Braun? Know all about the Dakota Access Protester that we will share with you in this post, so let’s get started.

Who was Joye Braun?

Joye Braun, as previously stated, was a persistent advocate of Native American rights and the driving force behind demonstrations against the Dakota Access and Keystone XL projects. She belonged as a Cheyenne River Sioux. According to sources, her work with Indigenous Environmental Network includes working as a national pipeline organiser. Because of her exceptional job, she earned a lot of respect. If you want to understand more about the news on this page, please read the whole article.

What happened to Joye Braun? What was the cause of her death?

According to the most recent information, Joye Braun died. She died on November 13, 2022, at the age of 53. She died at her home in Eagle Butte, South Dakota. There is no information about her cause of death, which many people are pretty interested in now. We’ll notify you as soon as we discover anything new. Since her death was confirmed, various responses have made headlines, according to the press. Scroll down the page if you’re interested in the news.

Learn more about the Dakota Access Protester.

The number of protests in North Dakota opposing a 1,170-mile pipeline has grown in the last four months. Hundreds of protestors have been imprisoned, and hundreds more individuals have gathered at the Oceti Sakowin Camp near Cannon Ball, North Dakota, including Native Americans, environmentalists, and celebrities.

But why is the project so contentious? How did the most prominent Native American protest movement in contemporary history begin as a rural North Dakota oil pipeline project? What were the outcomes of the protests?

What is the Dakota Access pipeline?

The $3.7 billion Dakota Access Pipeline project is more than 70% complete and would transport 470,000 barrels of oil daily across four states. The oil would be delivered from Stanley, North Dakota, near the Canadian border, to Patoka, Illinois, where it would join with other existing pipelines.

Why are Native Americans protesting?

The project endangers the Standing Rock Sioux tribe’s land both environmentally and culturally. They claim that the pipeline’s construction would destroy holy locations where many of their ancestors are buried and that an oil leak would permanently poison the reservation’s water supply.

Standing Rock Sioux Chairman Dave Archambault II argues that an oil leak would irreversibly poison the Missouri River, a vital water supply for his tribe and millions of people living in towns downstream. He has asked for the pipeline to be redirected.

People are paying their respects to Joye Braun.

Many people have paid respect to her on social media and expressed their heartfelt condolences to her family. She is a revolutionary activist who has worked tirelessly for Native American rights. People and supporters are paying homage to her on all social media platforms. May her loved one’s soul rest in peace. RIP Braun, Joye. We have supplied all of the information we have. We hope she is at leisure. Check our articles periodically for updates.

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