From CNN to World, “tens of thousands” take to the streets against “weakened” Bolsonaro – 05/30/2021 – Nelson de Sá

From CNN to German state news broadcaster Tagesschau, “Tens of thousands protest against Bolsonaro”.

Also by newspapers from French Le Monde to English The Guardian, “tens of thousands”. The first led to the statement “It’s more dangerous than the virus” in the title.

The second stressed that demonstrators took to the streets of more than 200 cities, during the “biggest anti-Bolsonaro mobilization since the outbreak of Covid in Brazil”.

The Spanish El País and the French Liberation highlighted the leading role of the opposition in the protests, with the headlines “The left takes to the streets for the first time in the pandemic” and “Shows the strength of the left “, respectively.

Argentina’s La Nación called the Brazilian president “weakened” in his call for the “day of protest”.

The correspondent begins by saying that “Bolsonaro is going through days of bad news”. He cites research in which he is “largely defeated by Lula” and his conversation with FHC, “a meeting with high symbolic content which has underlined that part of the center-right is ready to converge in 2022 with the left”.

BOLSONARO under siege

Even before the protests, new editions of weekly magazines such as Britain’s The Economist and Germany’s Der Spiegel published respectively that “Bolsonaro is under siege” and “more unpopular than ever”.

Both emphasize their efforts to respond, with “give and take” or simply “distraction – on a motorcycle”.


The New York Times correspondent did not cover Saturday’s protests, choosing instead to pay attention to Brazilians who, among other Latin Americans, “are going to the United States to be vaccinated.”

But it’s just these “rich Latin Americans” and politicians like Argentinian Mauricio Macri and Peruvian César Acuña, after saying they wouldn’t. And they all “feel guilty.”


Also on the NYT this Sunday (30), the “At Home” section, at home, announced to readers that after 57 weeks and “with the decline of the pandemic in the United States”, it was his latest issue.


World Sunday’s headline in German Süddeutsche Zeitung, “How European Union leaders like Angela Merkel were spied on from Denmark by the NSA”, from the United States.

Investigative reports obtained by Danish state television DR show that an agreement with the country’s spy service maintained the US agency’s access to cables crossing the country (map above) with phone calls and messages, even after Edward Snowden’s allegations in 2013.

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