One person was killed and four others were injured in a shooting on Thanksgiving in Costa Mesa

One person was dead and four other are injured in the shooting on the night of thanksgiving day at  Costa Mesa as informed by officials. around 7 PM 400 block of Bay Street, Costa Mesa. this threatening event has happened, as shown in CCTV footage posted by police on social media, in the video two cars are stopped in the street and looks like they are arguing about something and just sometimes the voice of fire listens.  

The voice of the shooting was heard by a local business owner and he told the media about the event but also requested that not revelling his name due to security reasons. he also added “At first I think that it was the voice of fireworks but after two shots I realised that it was not similar to fireworks, then I assumed it was the fire shot by the gun, it looks like that the voice is through my side so I hide in the shop and hide completely under the desk. after the shootout allegedly the gunman sit back in the car. the witness described the person as “looking very calm and silent after the shooting and he also takes his driving seat in the car very easily, then move out to another road.

Many people were injured in the street after the incident, ambulance loaded all five people and take them to the hospital. among these 5 five people, two were looking in very bad situations and crying in the pain. one of them has died another is still struggling for life in very serious condition, the rest of the three was recovering rapidly from the injuries, told to the  Costa Mesa Police Department official Roxi Fayad.

Lucas Rivera-Velasco is the name of the victim who was 30 years old and from Costa Mesa. early morning the suspect also handover himself over to the police as Lee Walker, 41, of Santa Ana. now he is in the custody and the police are investigating about the whole incident in detail. 

Police cleared that the incident was a solo event and not to related any gang. the thing that is coming out here is that this event happened only in a tiny traffic collision as tweeted by police. and more information is not released due to security reasons. 

Read also: During a hike with her husband, a woman was found dead in Zion National Park

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