Many people nearing retirement age in the United States have been contributing to their Social Security for decades, but determining how much the Social Security Administration (SSA) owes you can be difficult, reports

You and your employer have likely contributed more than $200,000 to the system of Social Security over many years on your behalf, so it’s critical to understand what your Social Security Income will be as a result.
How To Calculate Social Security Benefits?
While Social Security benefits aren’t guaranteed, the quality and quantity of your retirement depend on how well you plan. It’s important calculating the total value of your retirement benefits to see how much your years of contributions to Social Security entitle you to.
You can do this in several ways, but one of the most frequent is to go to a local Social Security office and get a record of your Social Security earnings that are taxed as well as an estimate of your retirement payments. Use one of the online benefit calculators on the Social Security website to calculate your estimated retirement based on your salary history.
Allow the SSA to compute the amount for you once you’ve decided to start receiving benefits. Because many workplaces have been affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many people choose to conduct their business online, over the phone, or by mail rather than visiting a Social Security office.
Minimum Age
The age at which you can file for Social Security retirement benefits is referred to as the “minimum age.”
As previously indicated, you must earn at least 40 credits to be eligible for old-age benefits, but earning more credits does not imply a greater payment when you begin collecting what you placed into your pot. The amount of old-age benefits you receive is determined by your earnings history. When you file for Social Security, the Social Security Administration uses an average of your 35 highest-earning years, as well as other characteristics, to determine your monthly payment.
If you’ve worked long enough, you can start collecting benefits at the age of 62, but the longer you work, the bigger your potential payout when applying for benefits. If you wait until you reach full retirement age (FRA), which is 66 for persons born in 1954, you will be able to collect a much larger sum. After 1954, those born after that year must add two months to their age for each year until 1960. The full retirement age is 67 for individuals born after 1960, but you won’t get your full benefits until you work until you’re 70.