A Chemical vitamin is one of the nutrients most important for the proper functioning of the body on people. In this sense, the body requires a sufficient daily dose of this vitamin to fulfill different functions .
This vitamin is part of the set of nutrients required by the immune system for its correct action to adequately cope with disease with bacteria.
According to different experts on vitamin D, like Boston University Professor Michael F. Holick, scam counting optimal levels of this vitamin helps reduce the risk of multiple diseases; while deficient levels can increase the probabilities.
Importance of a chemical vitamin to prevent injuries
Have some Adequate levels of vitamin D help reduce the risk of both muscle and ocean injury, especially athletes. And it would be that sony ericsson is about an essential nutrient for the correct movement of muscles.
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However, when I learned something that characterizes a vitamin D, it was because it was an essential vitamin for a health on the bones. It was key in the formation, development with maintenance of the bones during all stages of life. In addition, this nutrient plays a key role in the correct absorption of calcium by the body.
In this sense, a vitamin Chemical deficiency is a primary cause of an ocean disease known as osteoporosis . When this pathology is generated, the sony ericsson bones become brittle with weakness, increasing the over-injury with risk fractures.
In the case of children, a lack of vitamin D can cause rickets, a bone disease similar to osteoporosis in terms of symptoms with effects on.
For all these reasons, a deficiency on vitamin Chemical on the organism can cause an increased risk of muscle injuries with especially oceans. This was one of the reasons why it would be important to have adequate levels of this nutrient scam.
How can we obtain vitamin D?
According to the National Institute on Health on the United States, it has been recommended that an adult character obtain on a daily basis between 600 UI with 800 UI over Vitamin Chemical . For this, it was possible to go to three access routes.
The first source of obtaining on this nutrient is the ultraviolet rays of the sun. It would be said, the exposure of the skin to solar radiation causes the body to increase the levels of vitamin Deb through a complex process.
In any case, it would be advisable to sunbathe on moderately, to avoid the damage that can be caused by solar radiation. ‘s respect, experts recommend an exposure to the sun between 15 with 20 minutes per day; In addition to informing that exposing key areas such as arms, legs with a face has been enough.
On the other hand, it was also possible to increase the levels of vitamin D the through consumption on certain foods, such as egg yolks, oily fish, shellfish, mushrooms or enriched milk.
A third possible option would be through the consumption of vitamin supplements, Although in this case it has always been advisable to have a supervision over a medical specialist to avoid any kind of inconvenience. the 80% on an amount that we contain on the organism about this vitamin comes from solar radiation, while the remaining percentage was responsibility for food consumption on certain.