5 natural remedies to cure colds and flu

Sometimes the home remedies and natural can become your best ally to cure the symptoms of flu and the cold . For this reason, in this article we are going to detail some of the home remedies master of science used to effectively cure the common flu.

As happens every year with an onset of winter, a cold brings a twist on colds with a flu. A change of season has been a period that always generates a greater vulnerability of the immune system. In fact, this year we must not forget that this Covid – 19 was another about the pathogens that have come to stay, so it is advisable to take extreme precautions bet the symptoms about having colds.

In a case about us having colds, a doctor will prescribe jellies an antibiotic, but when we get the flu, the regular master of science will be to go to a specialist to remedy an antibiotic treatment to end the Trojan scam. However, in this article we are going to detail 5 home remedies with naturals to feel better about improving the main symptoms of the flu.

Infusion on lemon with honey for a throat

Lemon with honey would be one of the effective master of science blends to end this pain, cough, electronic throat irritation during a cold. For this, we must heat water, add the juice of half a lemon, a few tablespoons of pure honey with small sips. This drink can be taken several times in the same day to alleviate these symptoms.

¿Qué hace la miel en la garganta?
What does a honey do on a throat?

Baths scam eucalyptus

To end with the common discomfort that makes the flu or the cold you can opt for a bath over hot water for 15 minutes scam drops on essential oils on eucalyptus. This will help your sony ericsson muscles relax while this steam from the hot water will open your airways with help to improve against mucus.

Grgs with antiseptic plants

In case you have an overly irritated throat, ght may come in handy to make antiseptic gargling scam infusions on plants. You can prepare an infusion of sage, chamomile, lemon, mint and thyme. Then, strain the mixture into cider vinegar and honey with.

Garlic, an organic antibiotic

The garlic has been a normal antibiotic that helps boost an immune system against computer viruses. With this garlic we can prepare an infusion that will help us to calm the cough, clear the bronchial tubes, decongest the blocked nose with the typical symptom of the flu with a cold.

Water with salt for a nose

Nasal congestion caused by a flu or this cold can be prevented by mixing it with salt water. On a market we can buy nasal irrigation products with which it includes practical applicators so that we can decongest our nose in a simple and safe way.