The well-known journalist and presenter, Ana Rosa Quintana , has revealed this Tuesday, November 2 in her program that she has breast cancer. Thus, at his 65 years , has communicated that leaving the program temporarily to focus on the fight against this serious disease.
Already during the last week, Ana Rosa Quintana was absent in The Ana Rosa Program , that extra to all the viewers something. Well, the presenter has communicated that she has breast cancer before the Telecinco cameras.
I want to say goodbye for a season, I hope it is not very long. They have detected a carcinoma in a breast. Fortunately it is localized, there is no metastasis. But it requires intense treatment that will keep me away from this set and from these colleagues, who are also my family, commented Ana Rosa.
This is the cancer diagnosed at Ana Rosa
The past 19 October, World Breast Cancer Day was celebrated. In this 2021, on the occasion of this celebration, the experts carried out different activities to influence the importance of raising awareness about one of the types of most common cancer among society.
Likewise, specialists in the field focus on the great importance of early detection, treatment and palliative care. Luckily, as Ana Rosa Quintana affirms, her cancer has been detected at a low advanced stage in.
Early detection allows establishing a favorable and adequate diagnosis. Innovative treatments are currently available for breast cancer in a situation of little progress and the chances of cure are high.
However, when breast cancer is diagnosed in an advanced stage in, It is difficult to offer a curative treatment, the experts explain.
Mam carcinoma
Specifically, Ana Rosa Quintana has publicly communicated that he has been diagnosed with breast carcinoma and that the situation is under control. Although, it is necessary to clarify what this disease is about.
A carcinoma is a condition in which the cells of the breast tissue are in an abnormal state. From the National Cancer Institute they clarify that there are two types of breast carcinoma in situ. On the one hand we have ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and on the other we have Paget’s disease of the nipple.
Carcinoma in situ is an invasive disease characterized by the presence of abnormal cells in the lining of the breast duct. The abnormal cells did not spread outside the duct to other tissues of the breast, they explain from the National Cancer Institute.
Thus, Paget’s pathology of the Pezn is a condition with the presence of cells abnormal skin of the nipple, which sometimes spread to the areola in. Occasionally, patients with this disease are also likely to have breast carcinoma in situ in the same breast. Notably, Paget’s disease of the heart is also called stage 0 breast carcinoma in situ.