Eliminate these foods from your diet now if you have high levels of rich acid

The rich acid is a substance that is found naturally in the organism and that arises after the decomposition process of purines . However, this acid can also be increased by the intake of foods rich in purines.

When people have levels of rich acid that are too high in blood may pose a health risk. Normally, through the urine and to a lesser extent the feces, the body discharges the same amount of the rich acid generated.

However, the situation may arise that the body does not eliminate least amount. If this persists for a certain period of time, it can cause the accumulation of crystals of this acid in the joints.

Thus, the accumulation of these crystals can cause a disease known as gout. , and characterized by inflammation and pain in the joints. In addition, having high levels of blood rich acid is a cardiovascular risk factor in.


The levels of Acid rich in excess in the blood are called hyperuricemia. In this sense, the levels considered normal of this blood acid should range between 2 in, 4 6 and, 0 mg / dl in women; and between 3.4 and 7.0 mg / dl in men.

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Thus, purines are nitrogen compounds that develop in the human body’s own cells or are incorporated into the body through food. Thus, the rich acid arises as a result of the degradation process of these purines.

Normally, hyperuricemia and accumulation of rich acid crystals in the joints usually originate when its value increases above of 7 mg / dl in blood. In this situation, gout and kidney stones may appear.

Prohibited foods if rich acid is high

One of The main most recurrent treatments to reduce the levels of rich acid in the blood is to avoid the consumption of foods rich in purines and to follow a diet based on products that do not help to increase the levels of purines in the body.

In this sense, the foods that we should avoid in case of having high levels of rich acid are meats, meat extracts, yeast, or yeast extracts, such as beer or alcoholic beverages. It is also key to limit the intake of shellfish, asparagus, spinach, peas, lentils, cauliflower or mushrooms.

In addition, experts recommend not drinking caffeine or alcohol in case of high acid levels rich, since they are elements that can be counterproductive in this aspect.

Thus, among the beneficial foods in case of having high rich acid and containing low levels of purines, we find the following:

  • Milk and dairy products.
  • Lettuce.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Green vegetable foods.
  • Bread.
  • Pasta.
  • Fruit juice.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Nuts,
  • Fruits.

Also, it is important e stay well hydrated and drink between two to three liters of water daily. Unless a medical specialist indicates otherwise.

On the other hand, in situations of hyperuricemia, it is usual that in addition to making modifications in the diet, your doctor indicates the intake of certain medications which help reduce rich acid levels.