The fear of contamination by the Covid in the United States returns to the level of the last peak of the country – 20/08/2021 – World

Anxiety over Covid-19 in the United States is at its highest level since the American winter, which occurs between December and March in the northern hemisphere.

New research shows that 41% of those polled are extremely or very concerned that they or their families may be infected with the virus, a percentage similar to January, during the last major spike in contamination in the country, when 43 % had the same fear.

The Associated Press-NORC Public Affairs Research Center study also found that the majority of American adults want those who go to movies, stadiums, concerts and other crowded events to be vaccinated. For these people, the measure should be extended to those who travel by plane and to workers in hospitals, restaurants, shops and public offices.

“I am not that confident in the ability of the United States to take care of its people,” said business analyst David Bowers, 42. A supporter of the Democratic Party and a resident of Peoria, Ariz., He was vaccinated, as was his wife. from him, who is a teacher in a public school. The couple’s concerns are their daughters, aged 7 and 9, who are studying in a state whose governor, Republican Doug Ducey, 57, has signed a law to prevent school districts from mandating the use of masks.


Nearly 200 million people, or just over 60% of the U.S. population, had received at least one dose of the vaccine as of Thursday (19), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, in its initials). ). Just over half of the population has been fully immunized.

Still, hospitals across the country had more than 75,000 coronavirus patients last week, a dramatic increase from a few weeks ago. This Tuesday (17), the United States recorded more than a thousand deaths from Covid-19 for the first time since March.

Oregon, Florida, Arkansas, Hawaii, Louisiana, and Mississippi have also set records for coronavirus hospitalizations in recent days, and the increased presence of the delta variant, combined with low vaccination rates, has caused a rush to find beds.

The AP-NORC investigation also suggests that, despite increasing cases and greater concern about the virus, Americans have not stepped up care since June to prevent the spread of the disease.

However, at least half of those surveyed said they always or often wear a mask when around other people, stay away from crowds and avoid non-essential travel.

Confidence in the strain vaccines has not waned either, and U.S. health officials this week announced plans to apply booster shots starting in September.

Carla Jones, 37, has immunity issues and is paraplegic – she switched to a wheelchair after being seriously injured in a car crash. Due to her condition, the doctor said she could not get the vaccine, which makes her anxious during appointments and when her grandchildren visit her.

“If I see someone next to me without a mask, my heart beats faster,” said Jones, who lives in Lafayette, Louisiana. A Democrat, she is very much in favor of vaccination and the compulsory wearing of a mask. “For the good of all. I have no choice, but I would not infect anyone else.


The survey also shows that 55% of respondents support the requirement that Americans wear masks near other people outside the home, while 62% are in favor of requiring the item. specifically for workers who interact with the public, such as in restaurants and stores.

Eighty-five percent of Democrats and 39% of Republicans agree that officials should wear masks. Robbie Allen, a 63-year-old retiree from Clifton, Texas, is fully vaccinated and will wear a mask when required by stores or elsewhere. But the self-proclaimed independent who leans towards the Republican side insists that the use of the article is a matter of personal choice and considers that taxation takes away the joy of living.

“Covid doesn’t go away very quickly, but I don’t think people should live in fear,” said Allen, who went with his girlfriend to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, which drew hundreds of thousands to the South Dakota. if everyone is afraid, life will be terrible.

The differences between the parties are also important in terms of vaccination requirements. In Arizona, Bowers has already taken time off to pick up one of his daughters from school after she developed a high fever. They spent hours last week looking for a place that would test for Covid on the drive-thru system that wasn’t overcrowded. The result was negative, but concerns persist.

“I think the people who don’t want to take precautionary measures against the spread of the virus are the ones who need the rules,” Bowers said. “There is a small majority in this country making the right decisions. Without this portion, we would be in trouble.

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