WP and others warn of threat of “military takeover” in Brazil – 07/25/2021 – Nelson de Sá

Saturday’s protests echoed German public television news program Tagesschau, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, English The Guardian, Argentinian La Nación and Qatari channel Al Jazeera.

From the French Le Figaro and Le Monde to the weekly Le Journal du Dimanche, this one with the protests and a longer text, asking in the title: “Can Jair Bolsonaro torpedo the Brazilian presidential election?”.

The Washington Post went in the same direction, with the statement detailed below: “Bolsonaro once said he would stage a military takeover. Now Brazilians fear he is setting the stage for one.”

Unlike the New York Times, which avoids the Brazilian president’s threats to democracy, WP correspondent Terrence McCoy has repeatedly followed the escalation, including the Bolsonaro siege through YouTube, removing videos.

Also CNN, who interviewed a “former fan” of the Brazilian president, Isa Soares, now says: “It was a mistake. It was the biggest mistake of my life.”

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