Without impeachment or lockdown, the Covid tsunami destroys Brazil – 06/19/2021 – Marcelo Leite

As predicted here and elsewhere, we have killed 500,000. Head bowed like lambs. Lots of people. Broken up. Pack of cowards. Bunch of soft asses. Not even the bastardized Nazi Spanish vocabulary can explain Brazil in the pandemic, home of the faint of heart. We all blurred out from an army of Brancaleons.

Jair Bolsonaro, the Brancaleone in tight neoprene pants, pulled “his” army into an inglorious campaign and massacred the population under his care. Without causing losses to the enemy, as the Sars-CoV-2 virus is advancing unstoppably among the Brazilians.

For a long time it seemed that the president was reacting to the pandemic only out of ignorance and opportunism: if opponents like João Doria are in favor of a vaccine, we have to be against it; when henchmen such as Osmar Terra, Nise Yamaguchi, Paolo Zanotto and Mayra Pinheiro rely on “early treatment”, chloroquine comes out on top of everything.

Then came the live broadcast of the President on Thursday (17). Bolsonaro said in insane denial that immunizing those taking Covid was “even more effective than the vaccine itself,” minimizing the 50.38% protection of coronavac. Brancaleone do Planalto, of course, did not mention that the effectiveness of the butantane vaccine is 78% in mild cases and 100% in severe cases. It is more important to understand what the bastard meant: it would be better if everyone caught Covid soon; Vaccine would be nothing but freshness.

The harbinger of the “little flu” has always relied on herd immunity, an apt expression for anyone who is only interested in cattle. The analogy itself is four-legged, because every year you have to get a flu vaccination to ensure protection against changing strains of influenza, and this can also be the case with the corona.

Bolsonaro sent two spinal doctors from the Ministry of Health and sent a three-star courier there. Logistics expert Eduardo Pazuello is recruiting zero left, who has predicted mass immunity with 50% of the population vaccinated by this month (we’re at less than 12% with both doses).

The president is not alone in his crusade for death. He found another doctor to stoop over. Congress shrank with Rodrigo Maia and sold out with Arthur Lira refusing to lead the impeachment. “But who is going to leave home to face a virus and protest on the street for a measure that the Chamber President himself says to forget?” Asked Rafael Mafei in an interview with Ricardo Balthazar. “If there is no impeachment trial against someone like Bolsonaro, who does it exist for?”

The money people also hissed and stood up for letting, or rather, letting them die (national slave version of “laissez-faire”, “laissez-tuer”). They are already excited again with a 4% drop in 2021 and the privatization of Eletrobras, ui, ui.

Instead of the third way, another delirium from Faria Lima and Higienópolis, they are reaping the third wave, a true Covid tsunami. Half a million corpses to put on the loss account (of others) and to win (theirs). People who fill their mouths to burp science as they give way to evil. Like the governor, who provided a vaccine against Bolsonaro but never had the courage to order a real lockdown. It always comes down to relaxing the rules while the epidemic rages.

The beasts of the apocalypse ride powerful motorcycles. The PFF2 infantry would march against them at the demonstration scheduled for this Saturday (19). To see who and how many will have appeared, despite the military that deserted before Covid and destroyed the country in a conspiratorial arrangement with so many parliamentarians, judges, pastors, police officers, business people, lawyers, doctors, journalists. .

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