Francisco calls on Biden to end ‘vaccine nationalism’ – 04/04/2021 – Nelson de Sá

In the title of the Italian Corriere della Sera and at the top of the front pages of the French newspaper Le Monde of the Wall Street Journal, with a photo, “the Pope, in the Easter message, calls for the distribution of vaccines”.

Specifically, in the New York Times, Francisco “urges world leaders to ensure access.” The “leader of 1.3 billion Catholics”, including Joe Biden, called for “vaccine internationalism”, the export license.

According to data aggregator Statista, shared by economist Marcio Pochman, formerly Ipea (Institute of Applied Economic Research), of the 644 million Covid vaccines produced in March, China accounted for 36%, the United States, 26%. %, India 19% and the European Union 17%.

Of exports, China accounted for 52%. India, 26% and the EU, 22%.


On March 28, an American “loan” of 1.5 million doses of AstraZeneca arrived in Mexico, Reuters reports. They were negotiated with the Mexican crackdown on Central American immigrants seeking the United States, published NYT and others.


Bloomberg reports that, given signs that Paraguay was about to sever ties with Taiwan to gain access to Chinese vaccines, the US Secretary of State called on the Paraguayan president.

“Blinken was very firm in telling Abdo: look, his allies are Taiwan and us,” the Paraguayan chancellor then said “frankly” on his country’s television. “But we ask these strategic allies for proof of their love.”


Once again, on Sunday, it was an online headline on the NYT that the variants threatened to “prolong” the pandemic in the United States, “to jeopardize return to normal life” despite vaccination.

Especially the British strain, which in mid-March already accounted for 27% of new cases, against 1% in February. And now a scare with the Brazilian variant has closed a ski resort.

From the NYT: “The best way to prevent the emergence of variants is to immunize most of the world – not just the United States – as soon as possible. If significant parts of the world remain unprotected, the virus will continue. to evolve. “


At the WSJ summit, “What the United States can learn from China’s passion for infrastructure,” in a report he hears and points out, from a Cornell professor, that there is “a real desire for China ”.

In the irony of Global Times editor Hu Xijin, “I’m confused: has China really become a model for the United States?”

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