NYT and Economist begin to turn their backs on Moro – 02/28/2021 – Nelson de Sá

In the New York Times, Gaspard Estrada of Sciences Po in Paris wrote three weeks ago about what “was sold as the world’s biggest anti-corruption operation, but which has become the biggest legal scandal in the world. history”.

This weekend, he returned to the accusation against “the corruption of the judicial system” in Brazil, publishing that “Sergio Moro and the prosecutors perverted” the institutions to act above the law. “Moro used methods in flagrant violation of the rule of law. As a reward, he was appointed Minister of Justice.”

In short, “in recent weeks, the dark side of Lava Jato has been exposed, stripped away, and deep disenchantment has spread with the so-called justice of Curitiba”.

In this week’s economist, “the anti-corruption campaign has been quashed by the politicization of the judiciary, in two ways.”

First, “Moro ended up not being impartial. He condemned Lula for being given a beach apartment. Only Lula was not the owner or did not use it.” Second, “with Lula out of the presidential race in 2018, Moro became Minister of Justice under the government of Jair Bolsonaro, the winner of the far right.”

There, “messages leaked showing that Moro trained Deltan Dallagnol, the main promoter of Curitiba”.


The South China Morning Post published an article by Karin Costa Vazquez, a BRICS specialist at the universities of Jindal, India, and Fudan, China, noting that “Trump’s defeat leaves Bolsonaro to rebalance relations with the United States and China “.

He should not “change substantially with Beijing by negotiating” with the new government in Washington, but “in the long term, he can take a more nuanced approach” from China.


CNN and MSNBC did not broadcast Donald Trump’s first opposition speech, but Fox News did, as did its right-wing rivals Newsmax and OAN.

On the flip side, Fox News pointed out that only 55% of respondents to the Conservative conference said Trump was their favorite for 2024. “He’s losing strength,” said Karl Rove, a channel commentator and strategist. of the Republican wing opposed to the former president.

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