In forums, Trump supporters promise to return to Washington on the day of Biden’s inauguration – 10/01/2021 – Worldwide

Images of thousands of Donald Trump supporters invading Capitol Hill barely left our minds, and a new threat of violence is already forming, this time targeting possession of Joe Biden.

One of the warnings came from Democratic Senate Leader Chuck Schumer. In a statement, he says he urged Christopher Wray, director of the FBI, the US Federal Police, to relentlessly pursue invaders in Congress. He added: “The threat from violent extremist groups remains high, and the coming weeks are critical to our democratic process with possession on Capitol Hill.”

As in the weeks preceding the attack last Wednesday (6), warnings are multiplying on online forums. According to the Washington Post, there are calls for more protests, which would result in what organizers dubbed the “March of the Millions of Militias” on January 20, the day of the inauguration.

There are also promises of a return to the US capital on the 17th, made by Trump supporters. The newspaper talks about a publication cited by the Alethea group, fighting against disinformation, which calls for an “ARMED MARKET ON CAPITOL HILL AND ALL THE CAPITOLS OF THE STATE”.

Online, Trumpists have also said that the current president will stay for another four years. “Trump will take office for a second term on January 20 !!”, indicates a comment on a forum Thursday (7), the day after the invasion, according to the American CNN. The Republican was defeated in the election.

“We cannot let the Communists win. Even though we have to burn DC [Distrito de Columbia, onde fica Washington]. Tomorrow, we take over DC and take back our country !! “

As Jonathan Greenblatt, executive director of the Anti-Defamation League, which tracks and combats hate speech, told CNN, the organization has observed conversations from white supremacists and far-right extremists who are encouraged by this. moment. “The violence is expected to get worse before it gets better.”

The scenes seen on Wednesday were condemned by Republicans, like Senator Mitch McConnell, leader of the Senate party, and Vice President Mike Pence.

The message appeared to have had little effect, as John Scott-Railton, a researcher at Citizen Lab, a University of Toronto group that monitors cybersecurity, told CNN he was extremely concerned about the day of the ‘inauguration. “While the majority of the public was horrified by what happened on Capitol Hill, in some places of conversation on the right, what happened was considered a success.”

The point is, Biden’s preparation for security of tenure has taken on new proportions. The plan, according to the Washington Post, appears to prepare the capital for a multi-million ceremony – as it would if there were no pandemic – even though the number of participants is limited to a fraction of that.

The newspaper says about 6,200 National Guard members from six states – Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland – will support the Capitol Police and other Washington security forces over the next 30 days. .

High metal barriers, constructed in such a way that it is impossible to climb over them, have also been erected around the building where the US Congress is located. This type of structure has already been used around the White House and in other cities to deal with protracted protests.

However, this protection would have been installed anyway in the coming days, the inauguration ceremony being classified as a “special national security event”, under the supervision of the secret services and dozens of federal agencies. This is the same level of security used at party conventions.

At least 25 internal terrorism investigations were also opened after the invasion. Democratic Congressman Jason Crow, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, said Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy said the Pentagon was aware of “other possible threats from potential terrorists” in the days leading up to the ‘inauguration.

“Weapons, Molotov cocktails, explosive devices and seals have been recovered, suggesting that a major disaster was narrowly avoided,” says Crow.

McCarthy said the Pentagon was working with local and federal security forces to coordinate security plans after what he described as “a poor response to threats against agents” last Wednesday.

Despite threats, members of Congress coordinating the event insisted that it take place. “The scandalous attack on Capitol Hill will not prevent us from telling Americans – and the world – that our democracy endures,” said a note from Senators Roy Blunt (Republican) and Amy Klobuchar (Democrat).

“The great American tradition of a dedication ceremony has already occurred in peacetime, in times of turbulence, in times of prosperity and in times of adversity. We’ll take Biden back. “

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