I was lucky enough to live next to a wooded area (transition area between Atlantic forest and Cerrado) for seven years. With the help of…
Neanderthals in the Middle Ages in an alternative fantasy book – Darwin and God
But I didn’t expect: Neanderthals in the Middle Ages (?!). At least it says in the book summary by the American writer Matt Ward entitled…
Artificial intelligence supports the creation of new bespoke plastics – summaries
In the tradition of naming historical – and prehistoric – periods based on the relationships between people and the materials around them, some call the…
Brazil suffered a coronavirus genomic data blackout – 12/01/2021 – Science
In 2020 the UK carried out a global genomic surveillance effort for the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Of the 323,000 sequences published on the Gisaid platform…
What math are we going to teach and how? – 01.12.2021 – Marcelo Viana
I commented three weeks ago that our schools teach nineteenth-century math at best, and that this creates a mismatch between the education we give our…
Like the cosmos, science must encompass everything and everyone – basic research
By Wyllian Torres The astronomer Alan Brito is looking for a new scientific culture * * Alan Alves Brito knew early on that he wanted…
Bolsonaro vets ban on contingency of funds for science and technology – 01/13/2021 – Science
President Jair Bolsonaro (no party) vetoed the ban on contingency of resources from the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FNDCT), one of the…
Drawing wild boar in caves in Indonesia is the oldest human-made – 1/13/2021 – Science
People mastered the art of making drawings depicting the world around them at least 45,500 years ago when anonymous artists portrayed a wild pig on…
Rising incidence of forest fires endangers 6,000 species worldwide
Melbourne, November 30, 2020, Monday The incidence of forest fires due to gross neglect and human greed is increasing around the world. The increasing number…
Why is honey not mixed with Chinese sugar syrup even when tasted?
New Delhi, December 3, 2020, Thursday The Center for Science and Environment (CSE) claimed that most companies in India are adulterated with honey, for which…