The launch of the Chinese probe Chang’e-5, with which the first collection of samples from the moon since 1976, took place successfully on Monday (23)…
What is known about possible vaccines against Covid-19? Listen to the podcast – 11/24/2020 – Podcasts
One of the main issues in this final section of 2020 is the expectation of a vaccine against Covid-19. In the past few months, more…
Disoriented world of the Möbius band – 11/24/2020 – Marcelo Viana
The Impa (Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics) logo is a somewhat strange object. There are those who think it is the symbol of the…
The scientist who takes inspiration from princesses – basic research
By Saulo Pereira Guimarães Gabriela Leal is the first Brazilian woman to have reached the final of the “World Championship” in scientific communication * *…
Fippled Cellular Power Plant Explains Astronaut Health Problems
Many of the diseases astronauts are exposed to on long-term space flights can be related to a malfunction in their cell’s powerhouse, the mitochondria. This…
What 635 epidemiologists had planned for this Thanksgiving Day in the USA – 11/26/2020 – balance and health
An epidemiologist’s family wanted to celebrate the harvest festival in a garage with tables ten feet apart and the door open. Another epidemiologist’s family foregone…
If the coronavirus is in the air, why are we still cleaning surfaces? – 27/11/2020 – balance and health
At the Hong Kong desert airport, cleaners are constantly spraying baggage carts, elevator buttons and check-in counters with antimicrobial solutions. In New York City, workers…
Additive potentiates and prolongs the disinfecting effect of alcohol 70% – synthesis
70% alcohol is one of the main products used in disinfection, as well as a lesser known class of substances, quaternary ammonium, which is common…
Lewis and Darwin’s Tao – 11/28/2020 – Reinaldo José Lopes
“CS Lewis and Charles Darwin go into a pub and start talking about the Tao”: Yeah, I know it sounds like one of those very…
Studies reconstruct the history of the precursor galaxies of the Milky Way – Outer Messenger
Scientists know that galaxies grow and evolve through collisions. But how can you decipher the family tree of the Milky Way, even after so many…