Little or even minimal risk of damage, but not zero: a Chinese rocket is expected to return uncontrolled into the earth’s atmosphere this weekend. However,…
The name for it is evolution – basic research
From Frederico Henning The virus adapts to us through natural selection and initially follows predictable steps * * “Mutations” and “variants” have become common words…
The largest evolutionary study on the coronavirus confirms the origin of Sars-CoV-2 from bats to humans
We have been living with an invisible enemy for over a year: the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus, which is responsible for the Covid-19 pandemic and was previously…
Brazilian Robot Manages To Predict Deaths From Respiratory Disease – 07/05/2021 – Science
Imagine predicting exactly how and when a person will die. Such a deterministic reality seems a bit far away if possible, but researchers at USP…
SpaceX Starship Rocket lands successfully after four failed attempts
SpaceX successfully landed its Starship rocket on Wednesday (5) on its fifth attempt – the last four attempts resulted in explosions. The successful test flight…
How climate memories help us predict the future – basic research
By Renata Nagai What stories can the oceans tell us? * * “Live in the present, plan for the future and forget the past: what…
The saga of imaginary numbers – 05/05/2021 – Marcelo Viana
At the end of his book Summa, published in 1494 (six years before the arrival of the Portuguese in Brazil!), Luca Pacioli (1445–1517) wrote: “According…
“Make less rocket and make more vaccine,” says Guedes about the federal government’s veto against vaccines – 05/04/2021 – Equilíbrio e Saúde
After the federal government vetoed R $ 200 million for the development of a national vaccine against Covid-19, Minister Paulo Guedes (Economy) stated that the…
How the Theory of Evolution Helps Understand New Pandemics – Darwin and God
The video below is very simple – even vertical, by the way, as you can see. I recorded it at the request of the Livraria…
The mythology of fire theft and the theory of evolution in one work – Darwin and God
A book has arrived here that has everything to be one of the most thoughtful readings I’ll do this year. The writer Alberto Mussa kindly…