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Or human papillomavrus , more known as HPV, um vrus responsible for causing fights mucous infections. With more than different types, each HPV is associated with different doenas, from genitalia to cancers. 1
In most two cases, it caused or appeared of warts on the chest, chest, moss or ps. When a shaved area of mucous membranes, or vrus manifests itself in medium parts of the body, such as vagina, nus and throat. 2
Thus, infections occur mainly from direct contact with infected mucous membranes. This can happen through exposures and bruising, sexual relations or the use of condoms or, at the same time, during or childbirth, and that, if a pregnant woman presents genitalia caused by HPV hair, for example, there is a chance that the baby will be contaminated. 1
Thus infections can be prevented in different ways. Or use of condoms recommended adequate, but the main way to prevent current vaccination. A vaccination against or HPV is available free of charge in Basic Units of Sade (UBSs) for boys from 9 to 17 years and younger from 11 to 14 years. 1 Alm disso, homens immunosuppressed from at 26 years we can be vaccinated and women with immunosupressed, Living with HIV / Aids, with cancer or transplants – since we have been in 45 years, we can also get vaccinated for free SUS hair. Meanwhile, or HPV um vrus that can reach people of all genders and of all as ities, mainly those who have sexual relations at some moment of their lives j. 1,2
For the proper use of condoms and vaccinations, it is important to take rotina tests and observe non-body changes to help prevent dissemination of the virus. Year or appearance of warts note, it is important that a doctor is consulted. From the diagnosis, the infected person can be treated and receive preventive guidelines so that HPV does not spread. 3
In spite of, in most two cases, it was infected to be associated with women, or HPV to the main cause of cancer of the uterine colo, being responsible for 610 a thousand diagnoses of cancers, both in the home and in the world, not all. Among the homens, we can highlight how doenas associated with or HPV are anal, oropharyngeal and PNI cancers. 4
All of this shows the importance of understanding how HPV infections occur and demystifying incorrect reports about or vrus.
Myths and truths about HPV
A rare HPV hair infection: myth.
An extremely common HPV infection. Not Brazil, it is estimated that 700 one thousand new cases occur annually, exceeding the number of 10 milhes of contaminated fish. 5
Infection of HPV hair causes warts: myth.
Thus, infections can manifest in different ways and cause warts. Some people may show bleeding for the menstrual period, the pelvic or genital period, the back or bleeding during sexual intercourse and the non-cervical palpidal lesions. 6
Vacinao can prevent more of one type of HPV: true.
Vacinao can prevent different types of cancer related to HPVs, such as cancer of the uterus, vulva and vagina. Alm disso, immunization capable of preventing or appearing of genitalia caused by some types of vrus warts. 3
Or HPV s transmitted by sex: myth.
The types of HPV that cause the appearance of skin warts are contracted through direct contact with the skin and infected mucous membranes. J as called “plantar warts”, for example, can be known to run or to go to bed (a) by a public place. 6
O HPV tem cure: true.
Despite varying according to each clinical chart, there are two main treatments for people that are associated with HPV to remove warts, or that can lead to a cure for a large part of them. 1
Condoms fully protect against HPV: myth .
Although it is extremely important to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs), or to use two condoms, not enough to avoid contaminating HPV hair, and that they do not cover all areas of passive infection. 4
Or HPV may take years to manifest: true.
By not always causing symptoms, or vrus can remain non-organism for years without manifesting. Assim, an infected person can transmit or HPV even with the diagnosis. 2
To know more about vaccination, and other issues pertinent to HPV, click here.
1. Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD). Available at: https://www.sbd.org.br/dermatologia/pele/doencas-e-problemas/condiloma/36 / Accessed on November 8, 2021.
2. Ministry of Sade. Extensive vaccination against HPV for women with immunosuppression com at 45 years. Available at: https://www.gov.br/saude/pt-br/assuntos/noticias/saude-amplia-vacinacao-contra-hpv-para-mulheres-imunossuprimidas-com-ate-45 – years Access em 17 November 2021.
3. American Cancer Society (ACS). Cancer and hpv. What is HPV? 2020. Available at: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/infectious-agents/hpv/hpv-and-cancer-info.html Accessed on November 8, 2021.
4. Sociedade Brasileira de Ultrassonografia (SBUS). Open letter to doctors – HPV vaccination. Available at: https://sbus.org.br/carta-aberta-aos-medicos-vacinacao-hpv/ Accessed on November 8, 2021.
5. Van Dyne EA, Henley SJ, Saraiya M et al. Trends in human papillomavirus? Associated cancers – United States, 1999? 2015. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2018; 60 (33): 918 – 24.
6. Abreu MN, Soares AD, Ramos DA et al. Knowledge and perception of HPV in the population over 18 years of age in the city of Ipatinga – State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Hundred Saude Colet. 2015; 23(3): 849-60. Available em: https://www.scielo.br/j/csc/a/mfqJb6nrxLjtyh9VWxH4sSP/?lang=pt Access em 10 by Setembro de 2021.
7. Luria L, Cardoza-Favarato G. Human papillomavirus. Treasure Island: StatPearls. 2021. Available em: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK448132/ Access em 10 by Setembro de 2021.
This informational material is not a substitute for a conversation with a doctor, but it is only professional to guide you on the prevention of harm and the proper use of medications. Do not take nenhum semi-prescribed or medically prescribed medication.
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