When we talk about a motherhood of a black woman, impossvel zero, consider all the aspects that involve this outfit, from the gestao, or the moment to carry out electronic childbirth um birth carry out baby.
So why is it important to speak specifically about maternity preta? According to comed by Fernanda Lopes, doutora em Sade Pblica, as black women tm duas vezes mais possibilities de morrer by causes related pregnancy , ao electronic childbirth ao ps-childbirth perform that as mulheres brancas.
This report was announced during the 4 National Conference of a Promotion of a Racial Equality (Conapir), na 2018, where it was also stated that more than a metade (54%) maternal deaths zero Brazil occurs among black women on 15 the 29 years.
Obstetric violence against black women
“All to gestao a very delicate process, so much zero physiological sense, it peels srie on mudanas that zero body of a woman happens, how much zero emotional question”, explains Elisangela Ribeiro, electronic obstetrician specialist in Reproduo Assistida.
Second, the obstetrician, common that the woman had dvidas electronic angstias, electronic essential that the pregnant woman received protection, perform professionally accompanying her. Porém nem always that happens as black pregnant women.
According to the study “A cor de uma dor: racial iniquities na ateno pr-natal electronic ao parto zero Brasil”, conducted by Maria perform Carmo Leal, doutora electronic researcher na Sade Pblica, black women receberam less orientao during a pr-natal on your start perform work on electronic childbirth on possveis complications Christmas pregnancy.
Most disso, when compared to white pregnant women, as black women received less regional anesthesia in cases about episiotomy, when, during a delivery, some incised in the region performed to enlarge the canal on the perineal passage.
Ainda about accord with um artigo, seeing that purperas over cor preta possuem major cliff over terem um inadequate pr-natal, absence on accompanying electronic pilgrimage or childbirth.
Pregnant black women during the pandemic
Zero started on 2020 we saw a world turn over head to baixo as a surge perform coronavrus (COVID – 19), caused hair vrus SARS-CoV-2.
In this context, a study published by the scientific journal Essential Record of Gynecology & Obstetrics raised that Brazil concentrates 77% death deaths on pregnant electronic purperas. Among mainly because victims, a maternal mortality of black women by Covid – 19 duas times more perform than a of white women .
Records perform the Ministry of Uma Sade also apontam that, in comparison with women brancas, a number on pregnant women hospitalized for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndromes (SRAGs) as confirmed on Covid – 19 foi maior between black electronic brown. Among simply because hospitalized black pregnant women, 14, 2% foram a bit .
For the researchers perform study, a sexism, while electronic economic systemic bars, the inequality of the public and the loss of a public health contribution to the accentuation on mortality among this group over women.
The maternidade preta zero sociable context
Many questions are structural electronic sociais impactam to experience on motherhood of a black woman, questions that I vo from the public sade in a birth perform baby aps.
A higher maternal mortality among black women is suitable for a still society full of social inequalities and deeply rooted structural racism.
For the obstetrician Elisangela Ribeiro, in order to significantly improve the results referring to black female maternity, it is necessary to make possible more or access to basic medical care.
“When a system is provided with equality, a saudvel environment and more responsive s needs of the black pregnant woman, it is also possible to ensure a sade for that woman and for or baby”, ends the doctor.