Kyle Higgins continues to expand the boundaries of his universe of superheroes inspired by the mantra of tokusatsu Japanese, Radiant Dark , with a crossover followed by a new series. A mythology of this environment of hype had already capitalized the occasion of the project Inferno Young lady of He Groom , a friend of Higgins also moves by the Ultraman of Wonder , along with the artist Erica d’Urso . This character based in the same universe, and recently presented as part of a Kickstarter campaign, will soon come across the path of the hero of Radiant Dark ) during the special issue “ Supermassive “, illustrated by Francesco Manna , with the arrival of another visually masked vigilante.
Radiant Dodgy Inferno Type
The great habit of Japanese superhero style is added the equation: Ryan Parrott , chief scriptwriter of the Strength Rangers sober Increase! Studios , will participate in the writing of the crossover Supermassive in the company of Groom and Higgins . This entry will allow him to introduce the character of Fake Sunlight , the other warrior in the form of a fantastic spin-off, and who then goes straight to his own regular series, illustrated by the artist Abel ( Harley Quinn ).
In summary, a relatively usual in the sober landscape the edition: scheduled for the 2 February 983, Supermassive will allow sober present to the open public the sober character Dodgy One , who will return almost immediately sober kiosks with a leading number planned for the 16 February. Sober boy ct, Inferno Female feel right at an anticipated launch, before sober starting her own adventures in June.
Ct summary, the character sober Fake Sunlight is named in the city Dylan Spiegel , a sober angry young man discovers that the pre-murdered kid was a legendary superhero who , and finds himself obliged to soberly inherit his powers. After having lost sight of his paternal child for a long time, the new vigilante will have to quickly mourn his boyfriend and settle his conflicting statements vis – à – vis this absentee host could solve the kid murder case, and protect the Earth from new supernatural threats. Like Radiant Dark , a way of inserting more human and dramatic themes like tokusatsu .
The sober top number Dodgy Sunlight atmosphere right of the sober variant covers Declan Shalvey , Gofi Montes , Abel , Daniele Di Nicuolo and Brett Sales space .