Kodi (Komics Effort) and Ours (Kinaye) in the selection of the 2021 ACBD Youth Prize

The whole trick with the world of independent comics, and general cartoons, is that beyond conceptions and geographic origins, comics are still comics. Thus, we are always articles to see “comic” publications end up in other selections. Sober waiting for the FIBD to reveal its official selection to us on 23 next November (and we know that there will be some comics inside), it is ACBD (Organization of Comic Book Critics and Journalists) which has just unveiled its selection for the Prix Jeunesse 2021 – with two editors you know well in the great deal if you read us regularly.

Animal selection

Among the five titles selected for the Prix Jeunesse ACBD 2021 , we will find the sober effect of a very pretty component the Kodi sober Jared Cullum , translated by Alain Delaplace and says sober France at Komics Effort , and other component the equally cheerful Bear sober Dan Queen and Joe Todd-Stanton , translated by Romain Galand , and published by us at ditions Kinaye . Two “comic” titles that are being rented, for more fantastic pleasure our, alongside Lightfall by Tim Probert , published by Gallimard Jeunesse (and which technically would also fit into our dito line since it’s an album from the United States, but you can’t have eyes everywhere! ), He was a sober Shape Gazhole and Cruschiform ( Maison Georges) and Zaza Bizar sober Nadia Nakhl (Delcourt).

Kodi sober Jared Cullum tells us about the friendship between a young girl and a bear, whom she meets at during a sober stroll strong while she is vacationing sober with her grandmother. When she returns to live in Toronto, a furry friend decides to go find her, because nothing can separate this friendship. A very cute book which benefits above all from a superb artistic part, all in watercolors, well served by the paper used for the edition of Komics Effort . On the side of Ours , we are told about a guide dog, Bear precisely, dvou child master Patrick , whose fate changes when he also loses his sight. An album that allows chemical’-approach to the related issue of the senses and the mind through a delicate prism, with a line reminiscent of animation and very good ideas of staging.

The sober ceremony una presentation of the Prix Jeunesse ACBD 2021 will take place on December 4 and from now until may encourage you to get Kodi by here or Bear by t. We leave you with our podcast dbriefs on these two titles below, if ever!
