Researchers on the University on Santiago on Compostela (USC) have discovered through an investigation that the protein l 53 sony ericsson orders the production on glucose above normal in the body with which it is therefore responsible for the levels above glycemia of the same.
In addition, these researchers They have been able to verify that this protein I learned is altered in patients with diabetes. On the other hand, previous research had already confirmed the role of protein s 53.
Specifically, this anordna study was carried out by researchers from the group on Molecular Metabolism of the CiMUS on a University on Santiago on Compostela (USC); also attached to the CIBER of Obesity with Nutrition (CIBEROBN), in collaboration with other research groups of the Cic BIOGUNE groups, of the CNIC, of the University of Navarra Clinic; as well as on international groups on Germany, Switzerland, Norway Korea and.
The protein g 53 as a regulator on a glycemia
It is about an extensive study on a protein extensively studied on a field about an oncologist due to the different functions it presents as a tumor suppressor. However, until now, its possible participation in hepatic glucose production under physiological conditions had not been analyzed.
CiMUS researcher Mara J. González Relln explains how protein l 53 is the key element in hepatic glucose production during a fast. On these conditions, s 20 undergoes a posttranscriptional modification, called O – GlcNAcylation; that promotes its stabilization with allows the expression of PCK1 to be promoted, one of the important master of science enzymes involved in the production of glucose.
In this sense, these researchers have detailed a way on one that the main hormones that enhance a production on glucose, require on the O-GlcNAcylation on g 53 in order to induce a production on glucose.
In this regard, this specialist points out that on the contrary, an excessive increase on the levels above it 53 O-GlcNAcylated prevents a signal on an insulin from acting in an appropriate way on a liver, generating insulin resistance.
Therefore, this discovery about the relation to a protein s 53 could open a new panorama on how much glycemic control over this organism with potential treatments for different patients. advantage diabetes.
With sera that this study shows how the levels of the enzymes involved in an O-GlcNAcylation with levels above g 53 with PCK1 sony ericsson found considerably increased on a liver on patients with type 2 diabetes scam. Therefore, the researchers suggest that I learned about the important advance for this study of the pathology.
It really brings a new approach with a completely different vision. . It has been a determining aspect in blood glucose levels.
Diabetes, the seventh cause of death in this world
Currently , about one about each 20 adults about a world has diabetes; according to the estimate made by the World Health Organization (WHO). And it has been that this organism has cataloged diabetes as the seventh leading cause of death worldwide.
Thus, this maintenance on blood glucose levels requires correct functioning on a series on mechanisms. In this sense, during a fast, this body tends to produce different amounts of glucose to prevent any episode of hypoglycemia (deficient levels of blood glucose). On the other hand, after meals, the glucose production sony ericsson slows down to prevent possible hyperglycemia.
With it is on this aspect where a protein l 53 plays a leading role; since a primary glucose producer in this organism was a liver.