Climate Summit needed more Turner and Monet and less cute bunnies

The iridescent blue of the gigantic stone ball flying in space, aka Terra. The memories of the astronauts who were able to attest that she, unlike many today in the high offices of public power in the country, are really round and astonishing by opening the broadcast of the Summit of Leaders on Climate, Joe’s virtual convescote Biden to defend the environment. environment.

But the exuberance of the images and the fiery power of a speech that tells the story of the world on fire stop there. Directly from the White House, Vice President Kamala Harris and President Biden gave speeches accompanied by factory arrangements that resembled standing open coffins.

In the great reunion anchor room, say, a huge pot of weed under the palace’s crystal chandeliers catches the eye, perhaps a sad sign that what is left of our forests can be synthesized by an object. of questionable decoration in the man’s house. on earth.

World leaders talk about the apocalypse to be avoided without skimping on catastrophic images. Disheveled British Prime Minister Boris Johnson remembered well that the climate agenda cannot just stop at the idea that we are talking about cuddling rabbits.

It would be nice to have at least one plush next to him to contrast with the raw image of a stylized Earth in lime green tones, almost an eighteenth century map of weather forecasts seen in an aged VHS. – and badly.

The point is that the indescribable protocol of these summits, the representative flanked by the flags of his country behind a solid table, does not go so far as to illustrate the drama he tries to describe and avoid with great promises.

It is painful to see the bad suits, the interiors of the office, Bolsonaro’s water-green tie beating the color of the two national flags directly behind him, the green and the yellow which no longer correspond to the wealth of the country in the process of destruction.

Politicians, even the most populist ones, usually don’t have a very keen aesthetic sense, considering the example of our tallest executive, a fan of condensed milk on the surfboard and fake soccer jerseys. , not to mention the look chosen for this summit in question.

The pictures, however, help. South Korean President Moon Jae-in addressed a model of wind turbine on the table. He also set up a set of cameras that showed him in profile with images of green paddy fields passing through the screen.

Less allusive to the focal point of the meeting but a bit more playful, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison printed the famous Sydney Opera House candles as the background image – cool, but fake like ready-made book shelves which have multiplied in Zoom on the pandemic.

Perhaps the executives, or at least their advisers, lacked a little visual repertoire besides Boris Johnson’s bunnies. Not that any artwork or movies would be shown there, but they should be a bit on the minds of politicians when they convince us that they are going to avoid the worst.

Think of the world portrayed by romantics like the German Caspar David Friedrich, the little man before the abyss of sublime nature, or the raging seas of a Turner, from the same land of Boris, or the gentle gradation of shadows on the facade of Rouen Cathedral, Monet’s obsession, ready to prove that the sun really rises every day to warm us and enlighten us.

Hollywood has also grown tired of imagining Earth rebelling against the fury and greed of man, from the desert “Mad Max” to the superlative hurricanes of “Twister” and the like. Not for the costumes, costumes, and giant pots of weed in the White House.

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