Does Jalisco operate in Chile with a drug trafficking license?

Raising doubts in Chile about a possible cardinal visit by the new generation of Jalisco (CJNG), a leading Mexican organization dedicated to drug trafficking and organized crime, said Chilean authorities seized 3.5 tons of cannabis in Mexico on December 14. , according to the investigative police (PTI).

Although the origin of the drug has not yet been confirmed, a strong hypothesis is that it may have left the port of Manzanillo in the southwest. Guadalajara. It is the active site of CJNG, used to market drugs.

The discovery of irregular goods, known as Operation Azteca, took place in the port of San Antonio, in the region of Valparaíso (Chile). Agents of the PTI, employees of the maritime police, the navy and the national customs service were present. Officials say the value of the seized drug is $ 23.5 million.

Ceramic boxes charged

“A transnational gang and a criminal organization have suffered a severe blow,” said Chilean Interior Minister Rodrigo Delco.

To find out the scale of the operation, Naval Officer Daniel Gonzalez described: “This is the biggest container seizure in the whole country this year.”

In turn, the director of the PTI, Hector Espinosa, stressed that the marijuana, which is “very pure”, will be marketed for the holiday season in the metropolitan area. He added that the material arrived in the South American country by “sea”.

To finalize the police deployment, the southern metropolitan area’s attorney’s office last year asked a Mexican company to review its overall results. In the documents there were 1,328 ceramic boxes in the containers, but in reality it was 1,700 kg of marijuana.

In early December, the operation continued and 1,800 kg were found. In total, they found 3,406 packages of cannabis in four containers.

“We are already part of the global drug trade.”

As the Chilean authorities continue to investigate, some experts face this new situation and present their point of view: “It is important to recognize that we are already part of the global drug trade and probably other types of organizations. criminal, ”said Lucia Dummert, quoted by Mega Avis. .

“We need investigative capacities and cooperation between countries,” he added.

Meanwhile, the government of Sebastian Pinera has already announced changes to improve the fight against drug trafficking: “We are using new drones capable of testing ships arriving in Chile with more autonomous capabilities and better vision, surveillance submarine, ”said Delco.

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