The U.S. Naval Observatory reports that the full moon for April will be visible on Tuesday, reaching its zenith at approximately 7:49 p.m. EDT, and remaining that way until Thursday morning. For those who can see it, other celestial planets like Mars, Saturn, and Mercury will also be visible with the Pink Moon.
Why is the Pink Moon seen on Chaitra Purnima?
The term “Pink Moon” does not refer to the color of the moon; rather, it alludes to the pink blossoms of the moss-creeping phlox plant, which blooms in some locations at this time of year. The tight tie between lunar cycles and the natural world is attested to by the fact that many Full Moon names are linked to seasonal changes and agricultural practices.
Which sign of the zodiac is April’s Pink Moon?
Every full moon has a different zodiac sign based on where the moon is in the night sky in relation to the various astrological signs.

Scorpio, a water sign controlled by intimacy, sexuality, the shadow self, and the occult, is where this year’s full moon is located. Thomas stated that as a sign of the zodiac, Scorpio highlights the importance of sharing resources both personally and globally.
The Pink Moon’s spiritual importance
According to El Universo, the full moon in April is a good time to spend time outside doing activities that will help you stay grounded, including walking in the outdoors, gardening, or going for a barefoot stroll on grass or sand.
“This Pink Moon is an opportune moment to reconnect with the natural world, allow for an energetic reset, and see how everything else falls into place,” says Catherine Gerdes, an astrologer.