“The Last of Us” is an action-adventure video game released in 2013 by Naughty Dog. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world in which the bulk of the population has been afflicted with a fungus that has transformed them into zombie-like monsters.The game follows Joel, a smuggler, and Ellie, a young girl who may possess the secret to a cure, as they attempt to live and find refuge. The game was a critical and economic success, and HBO converted it into a television series in 2021. This article will go through the events of Episode 7.

Recap of Previous Episodes
In the previous episodes, we saw Joel and Ellie team up with other survivors as they continued their journey to find the Fireflies, a group of rebels who might have the ability to create a cure for the infection. Along the way, they faced several obstacles, including infected creatures and hostile human survivors. In episode 6, they arrived at the town of Jackson, where they were welcomed by a community of survivors led by a man named Tommy, who happens to be Joel’s brother.
Joel’s Secret Revealed
Episode 7 opens with a flashback to Joel’s past, where we see him struggling to cope with losing his daughter, Sarah. In the present day, Ellie confronts Joel about his past and why he is so protective of her. Joel finally reveals that Ellie is immune to the infection, and the Fireflies need her to create a cure. However, to make the cure, they will have to kill Ellie, something Joel is unwilling to let happen. Ellie is understandably upset by this revelation and feels betrayed by Joel’s decision to keep this secret.
Betrayal and Loss
As Joel and Ellie try to leave Jackson, they are ambushed by a group of survivors looking for Ellie. The group is led by a woman named Marlene, a member of the Fireflies. Marlene reveals that the Fireflies need Ellie to create a cure, and she tries to convince Joel to let them take Ellie. Joel refuses, and a shootout ensues, resulting in Marlene’s death. Joel and Ellie escape, but not without suffering significant losses. Tommy is critically injured, and Joel is left to carry him to safety.
A New Direction
The episode ends with Joel and Ellie finally reaching a haven, but the events have shaken them both. Joel is forced to confront his past and the guilt he feels for losing his daughter, while Ellie must grapple with the fact that she may hold the key to saving the world, but at a high cost. The episode sets the stage for a new direction for the show as Joel and Ellie navigate a world filled with danger and uncertainty.
In conclusion, episode 7 of “The Last of Us” is a gripping and emotional instalment. It reveals an important secret about Joel’s past and why he is so protective of Ellie, and it also sets the stage for a new direction for the show. With stunning visuals, excellent performances, and a compelling story, “The Last of Us” is among the most exciting television shows.
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