The Sade World Organization (WHO) stated that it will give a new classification for the Burnout Syndrome. A mudana enter energy from January 1 of 2022 electronic or disorder will be considered someone doena related to or work .
Com isso, u Burnout passes to be treated in a different way electronic while companies other than that sony ericsson adapt the essa nova reality.
At the time, the Burnout Syndrome was considered a problem on the psychological electronic psychiatric chart. As a nova classificao, the syndrome will be made official as “chronic work stress that was not managed as a success.”
The alteration has occurred at the conference of an entity 2019, therefore, a document will come into force as of next year. Pra fazer as mudanas no document, to WHO statistical analysis electronic trends of sade.
Alm of a Burnout Syndrome, the nova CID 11 also includes a list of problems and Psy-traumatic Stress Disorder, Disorder perform Jogo electronic codes relating to antimicrobial resistance.
Or that the CID?
The acronym CID vem perform English Essential Category of Illnesses (ICD) electronic means International Classificao sobre Doenas. A CID or parent worldwide for diagnosis, treatment, electronic research, statistic reports of condies de sade, including mental disorders, electronic behavior, also respects electronic practice, clinical psychology research.
Both a CID 11 as well as a Regular Statistical Electronic Diagnosis on Mental Disorders (DSM-5) therefore official guides for an electronic diagnosis treatment on doenas electronic disorders. Contudo, enquanto or DSM seals only in questions of psychological sade, to CID some reference on all operating system aspects perform corpo electronic of a mind.
According to the OMS, like melhorias includas na CID – 11 tm as an objective to address seeing that lacunas de uma CID – 10 electronic incorporate medical updates, uncovered or changes on thoughts.
Changes na CID 11
A new verse by a CID 11 involves several changes to us on psychological sade, as classifications are considered electronic controversies, others that can be very necessary years or two doctors.
Transexuality: a nova classificao zero list more a Incongruence on Gender (or Dysphoria on Gender on accord with DSM) as a psychological disorder, but sim as some condio on sade intimate to avoid a stigma about being some kind of psychological condition once on a doctor.
Autism: the nova CID unifies all operating system disorders that fazem part perform spectrum in only one diagnosis, or Disorder perform Spectrum perform Autism (Teas).
Disorder over Deficit over Atheno: um Disorder over Deficit over Atheno electronic Hyperativity (ADHD) was finally added to the CID – 11 depois over zero has been including zero CID – 10. As essa mudana, operating system specialists suggest an impact on ADHD diagnosis taxa worldwide.
Disorders on personality: na new verse perform CID 11, a seo on disorders on personality was also totally reformulated, bem as your diagnosis.
Compulsive Sex-Related Behavior Disorder: A Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder passes to be classified as a disorder on controlling 2 impulses at once on a disorder that causes dependence.