Quem adora uma boa sobremesa j deve ter ouvido falar no bombom de travessa . Assim as or not suggested to me, it is an “enlarged” verse of twelve, mounted in a glass container and served with a generous chocolate coating – which on the other hand is like the shell that is customary to wrap or traditional bomb.
Or recheio, generally, prepared with fruits and a cream that can vary according to how you taste it from burning face to after dinner. Nesta verso saudvel do twelve, taught by My Ruback, influencer of the saudvel lifestyle alimentao, or bombom cam morangos, iogurte and grated coconut na receita. Veja como fazer:
- 1 caixinha of chopped morangos
- 1 pot (170 g) of natural iogurte
- 1/2 bag of colorless gelatin in p
- enough water to hydrate gelatine
- 1 colher (ch) de essncia de baunilha
- 50 g of chocolate 70% in bar
- 2 colheres (soup) of creme de leite
- Coconut grated to taste
Preparation mode
Wash and cut the morangos ao year. Place the bottom of a small cross section. Reserve.
Misture the gelatin with enough water to hydrate it (see the exact quantity in the product packaging). Feito isso, mild ao microwave for 30 seconds. Depois, misture com o iogurte.
Clear with a gelatin mixture and hold two morangos on top. Next, polvilhe grated coconut sem acar. Reserve.
Melt or chocolate 70% em banho-maria. Then, join or creme de leite e misture bem. Despeje or chocolate na travessa e mild to gel for, hair less, 1 hour. Serve to follow.