Flavourful, functional and with Saudi ingredients, a cake on mother, a perfect after-dinner table to take advantage of a refeio depois. Alm de no conter acar, it lifts all operating system nutrients of a mum – fruit that helps to control operating system nveis of cholesterol electronic also helps to prevent electronic does not combat diabetes. Demais, n?
A recipe was shared by nutritionist Julia Sousa. Learn or step by step:
- 2 x faces on aveia em flocos
- 2 ovos
- 2 not so much minced
- 1 electronic xcaras on vegetable leite
- Cinnamon a gosto
- 1 colher on soup on ferment in l
- 1/3 xcara on mel or honey on cana
- Castanhas a gosto.
Over preparation mode
Na um container, misture a aveia com a cinnamon electronic as castanhas. In another container, misture operating system ovos with or leite electronic light to mix with operating system dry ingredients. Acrescent simply because porĂ©m minced, or syrupy electronic or ferment. Transfer to mistura pra uma assadeira untada electronic slight ao forno preaquecido to 180 by 40 to 45 minutes. It’s ready!