O human body an extraordinary set of surprises for all that I learned adventurously to mergulhar in his myriad electronic complexities. To imunidade an example dieses wonders of a single organic machine.
Constituted on bars, electronic cells without signaling substances, an immunological system capable of protecting us from various external agresses, such as physical, chemical, microbiological agents, on monitoring electronic attacking tumor cells.
This large orchestra works together with other two systems, also very complex electronic systems integrated: u nervous system electronic um endocrine system . by isso that neuropsychiatric problems, like or stress electronic a ansiedade, afetam nossa imunidade.
Isso also occurs with operating system endocrine problems. As people with diabetes, for example, they are used to eating diseases that take more time to heal. Electronic can be more susceptible to infections.
In this context, acupuncture, a method that works directly on the electronic peripheral nervous system, generates stimuli that are thus raised from the spinal cord. Contudo to inform or perform agulhamento no pra por a, following adiante electronic uploading at check no encephalon, passing through muito nobres areas, with complicated names (such as mesencephalon, ponte, thalamus, substncia cinzenta periaquedutal, hypothalamus, limbic system electronic cortex).
All of this system produced various substances, on various types, as well as analgesics including, seeing that electronic antidepressives as well as on bem-being, such as serotonin, endorphins, electronic opioids. Isso all ends up influencing our nerve centers that, for the time, our endocrine system, reassuring the mind, reducing electronic anxiety balancing the person with more diverse disharmonies.
Also, 2 benefits of acupuncture end up being able to overcome our immunity, directly integrating zero nervous system. Isso because operating system endocrine electronic immune systems therefore affected positively during the electronic method a person begins to feel less electronic.
To understand how to use this technique, consult a site perform Colgio Mdico Brasileiro on Electronic Acupuncture to allow the experience of some consultation with a specialist acupuncture doctor.