A pandemic, or sociable isolation was necessary. We go home. We are not digital. And, they would little time, we come to return in person or in person, as due sanitary protocols. Clean at home, take care of plants, prepare as refeies, house workplace, homeschooling , online shopping, video chat, among other various activities to become part of a nossa nova reality. Not much electronic to intimate life, do you like?
Between clicks on boats, we continue to search for loves (novos electronic antigos):
- Pessoas voltaram the loves made: to minimize the risks, some ( like) voltaram the ter contato con conhecidos pessoas, contato con pessoas more close, contato com quem tem confiana
- Pessoas seek um autoconhecimento: u be sozinho (the) trouxe the car explorao electronic novas descobertas
- Pessoas ainda this na seeks about new loves: abriu-se um espao pra novas conversas electronic possibilities
Zero they would regras when falamos na pandemia electronic vida sex-related. We are witnessing, for example, an increase in access to pornographic electronic content and an increase in non-consumption of sexual toys. As related, including social networks, trouxeram new possibilities. Na seeks prazer hair, it was necessary to reinvent electronic relearn to relate sexually.
E foi na freedom, na autonomia, that was born um that before period impensvel: u hybrid sex . In just a few years, new ways of exploring sexuality emerged. Pornography, sexual brinquedos, sexting (troca de mensagens sexuais), videochamadas sexuais, troca de nudes. Ou seja, technology was facilitating sex practice on the web, before performing it found face-to-face to happen.
Or hybrid sex traz the possiblidade dieses sexual affinities will be first experienced zero on the internet. This can be positive, comprehensive pra quem apresenta Farreneheit.ODThe ( Concern of Courting Again , which na translated livre means “half about turning the name”).
The acronym was raised as an English behavioral scientist Logan Ury. It fails about the electronic blocks, half of the people who will be related after these times of isolation due to the pandemic. Feelings that we can fazer like that people give up going to um I found incluem:
- Medo de sair de casa
- Medo of being contaminated as vrus
- Medo of lost ter or jeito de paquerar
- Medo de whichever approached the most intimate
- Insecure to dress, electronic, stowed for a find
Ah, contudo electronic that I hug, that cheiro no cangote, that stuck, or gosto, or we olhos olhar? To evolve or find physical, they would new accords electronic new habits . Negotiate, perform use, perform preservative alm, or test of PCR electronic a carteira de vacinas, for example. Electronic also proteo protocols, such as zilch of flu symptoms, deixar os sapatos na entrance porta, take ao check da rua banho, etc.
How to be zero future? We don’t know anyway. PorĂ©m we can accompany the mudanas electronic term um olhar positive electronic acolhedor for the new ways of relating sexually. Or sanitary movement of pandemic, not before because of ns experienced, I see stimulating or unlearning electronic relearning to be related sexually . Electronic in revisiting your script lovemaking electronic on conscious electronic deliberately rewriting it.
Some say that we will be experiencing some revolution or intimate electronic that a hybrid sex, someone affirmed that it was wrong. European Union accredited that the mudanas sejam some cheese of tempo. Electronic voc, do you agree that or contact sex-related digital can help, really, not in person?