Ainda little known not Brazil, or ch de rooibos a drink that deserves attention for being cheia of beneficial properties for a sade. Originally from South Africa, it is a flavorful option to burn you can not consume caffeine and it still has a high high concentration of nutrients essential for our organism, such as vitamin C , clcio e ferro.
Initially green, so folhinhas used in a drink, which are very popular or joyous, typical of a bush typical of the African continent. Ao passarem hair process of dehydration and oxidation, the ficam vermelho-dark – or that also confer a colo or avermelhada drink.
It is worth saying here that you South Africans take or Rooibos as well as the Chinese take the green and the English ones, preto – ou seja, it is a traditional millennial recheated of history. Porm, o rooibos not properly um ch .
Embora in many places it is possible to offer a drink as being a vermelho sem tena, ele not feito from das folhas da Cammelia sinensis – plants das quais os chs (verdadeiros) originate. Therefore, it is considered, de facto, as uma infused .
Isso clarified, let’s go s characteristics of the drink. Alm do tom avermelhado, infused with rooibos, presents a naturally adocicated flavor , which combines with various blends and dispenses or use of any type of adoante.
Another highlight of rooibos that also free of caffeine , can be consumed at any time of day and by any person – including pregnant women, infants and children. To complete, it is rich in antioxidants, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, calcium and vitamins A, C and E.
Also, by counting nutrients, a large part of the drink succession becomes its properties for a sade, such as:
- It works as natural isotonic , I replace important mineral losses that were lost during a practice of physical exercises or at the same during breast feeding
- Helps to reduce insnia for being free of caffeine
- Possui anti-properties inflammation, helping not to relax the muscles
- It can help to reduce menstrual cramps
- Stimulates the immune system, fighting flu, colds and other diseases
- Combat o Precocious growth gives fat fights its antioxidant and detoxifying properties
- Protects cardiovascular health
You will want to experiment with rooibos infuse, I knew that it can be consumed hot or cold , both as gua as well as read. Ao prepar-la em casa, mild a gua ao fgo e, when ferver, turn off the chama. Join erva and tampe to mix. Deixe a infuso rest for at 10 minutes before drinking.