Do you hear easily or do you feel that you need to improve or your immune system? This creme sobre cenoura, flavored by nutritionist Aline Quissak, could be a solution! A rich recipe in allies gives food supplies, such as cenoura, salsinha, pimento, semente de abbora electronic ginger.
A cenoura or primary ingredient of a receita electronic, on containing anti-inflammatory properties alm, some excellent source on beta-carotene, a normal pigment that melhora the skin, ossos strengthens, melhora the viso electronic the immunity. Confirm or step by step from a recipe to follow:
- 4 cenouras a day
- xcara on chopped salsinha
- 1 organic laranja pepper
- 100 g on organic tofu
- 1 colher (desktop) on ch on ginger
- 2 colheres (soup) on semente on abbora sem casca
- 1 colher (soup) on extra virgin azeite
- Salt (to taste)
Preparation mode
Na alguma panela with fervente gua, add to cenoura minced grosseiramente electronic um pepper. When estiverem be cooked, detach or fire electronic non-liquidifying coat as the same guide perform cooking so as not to lose the nutrients. Be careful, because being hot.
Depois, also add some tofu, an electronic ginger the semente on abbora. Bata at tack um creme. Turn or cream to panela, add some colher on soup over azeite on extra virgin olive, season with salt to taste electronic complete with salsinha on top. Electronic is ready to serve quentinho!