In a sober crowd their appearance in a sober first season What If …? , the living dead sober the universe Wonder have their own tiny individual enclave. Understanding perhaps that this component fable deserved the essential more narrative, Wonder Studios decided to package with a new original series Wonder Zombies , expected for the Disney + platform within the next few years.
Property of the Traveling Deceased
Little sober time after a sober exit of the episode Marvel Zombies sober What If …? , Tag Millar , sober co-creator of this morbid edition of sober heroes una Maison des Ides, had explained that the characters would do their sober return to real pictures, term. For the second, Wonder Studios ze will confine a series of animation, probably could save himself from entering the champion of the monstrous or the graphic horror generally understood by the fiction of the living dead.
Remain hoped that this sony ericsson project will visually stand out sober What If …? , and will dare to go a little further sober terms sober tone. Beyond the basic nod to enthusiasts, the comics Wonder Zombies aprendà are indeed imposed at the time of the quantity of Robert Kirkman by their cruelty and their ability to twist the clichés of the optimistic herosm the Wonder . Let’s hope that Kevin Feige feeling (at least) understood the interest of this edition of the universe.