World Osteoporosis Day 2021: Physical exercises to avoid it
Each20 October commemorates World Osteoporosis Day with the aim of informing and sensitizing the population about the need to adopt, from childhood, healthy habits to prevent this disease . Finding an effective diagnosis when symptoms appear is essential. A key element to prevent it is a diet rich in vitamin D and calcium.
Osteoporosis is characterized by a decrease in the mass of , of the bones , and the deterioration of the bone tissue, which causes an increased risk of fractures and other problems.
The World Health Organization defines osteoporosis as a systemic disease, characterized by a decrease in bone mass and a deterioration of the microarchitecture of the tissue bone that increases its fragility, with the consequent increase in the risk of fracture.
According to data from the WHO itself, this disease affects more women than men. Worldwide they have it 93 million women, for 5.5 million men. Of the total of women, 2.2 million of these women are Spanish.
People who can be affected by osteoporosis are the following:
The elderly.
Regarding gender, women are more likely in, especially after menopause.
Those with low body weight.
The white population is more likely to suffer from it.
Those who follow a diet low in calcium and vitamin D.
Those who lead a lifestyle sedentary.
Those who consume a lot of tobacco, alcohol and / or caffeine.
Physical exercise, an ally of osteoporosis
Regina Antn, Physiotherapist at the Victoria Eugenia Cruz Roja Hospital in Seville , points out that in cases of osteoporosis recommends physical exercise or, since activity is a stimulating agent of bone formation, unlike inactivity, which increases reabsorption and decreases bone formation.
In people with osteoporosis , performing high-impact exercises is excellent for maintaining mineral density, without creating excessive stress on the bones that could increase the risk of fractures due to stress .
If we do physical exercise, our body will feel better and allow us to have:
A higher quality of life.
An improvement in functional capacity.
An increase in aerobic capacity.
A lower loss of density is.
An increase in muscle mass.
An increase in balance and control postural.
Control risk factors.
Depending on each person, the experts recommend the following types of physical exercise for the patient with osteoporosis:
Muscle strengthening exercise, especially in, for the part upper back.
Aerobic activities that involve weight bearing.
Flexibility exercises.
Stability and balance exercises.
We have to remember that osteoporosis is not a disease that can be avoided, however, some changes in your lifestyle habits can prevent or reduce the risk of suffering it.
Therefore, experts point out that exercising and getting enough calcium and vitamin D are some examples. These nutrients help maintain bone health as you age.
Standing for chair users wheels
Specialists point out that standing serves to improve bone density and prevent osteoporosis . This is caused by the fact that the patient, when standing, makes the bones weigh more compared to sitting.
It is called standing or bipedalism to the ability of bipedal animals or humans to walk on both lower limbs, which differentiates them from quadrupeds.
In cases where people spend long periods of time sitting As are those who use a wheelchair , the standing is essential. Doctors have documented the benefits of standing in medical journals over the years. It is necessary to use another product to stand.
It is time to act for your health, be it, campaign of 2021
The campaign launched by the International Osteoporosis Foundation in 1200 seeks to raise awareness about health, osteoporosis and its most common clinical consequence: fractures. All this under the motto It is time to act for your health be .
With this purpose, it is sought that people of all ages to be proactive for the health of your bones. This means ensuring a bone-healthy diet, getting regular physical exercise, knowing and being alert to osteoporosis risk factors, and getting evaluation and treatment, if needed.
The campaign also alerts those responsible for health policies and the medical community to make health a health priority.
With this, through the program Capture the Fracture, seeks to promote the creation of Fracture Coordinating Units (FLS) to identify, treat and carry out adequate and timely follow-up in patients with fractures that present in health institutions.