Why should we incorporate potassium into our diet?

potassium is a mineral essential for the proper functioning of the organism . Specifically, it is important for the functioning of the kidneys and the heart , both being two vital organs. In addition, this mineral is also essential for muscle contraction and nerve transmission .

In In this sense, the kidneys have the mission of maintaining the optimal amount of potassium in the body, as clarified by the United States National Library of Medicine.

Thus, people with disease Chronic kidney disease may have difficulty removing excess potassium from the blood. Likewise, the intake of certain minerals can also cause an increase in the levels of this mineral in the blood.

The importance of potassium

To fully understand the importance of potassium as a nutritive element for the body, we will attend to the explanation provided by Mnica Prez GarcĂ­a to Infosalus , nutrition specialist.


Regarding potassium, it indicates that it is a macromineral involved in various chemical reactions. This electrolyte is the one that is found in greater quantity in the intracellular fluid. Together with sodium it intervenes in the regulation of water and other intra and extracellular substances (osmotic balance).

On the other hand, it also explains that potassium is a mineral that intervenes in metabolism of carbohydrates, protein synthesis is key at the muscular level and. That is, it participates in different important functions in the body in.

It contributes to muscle contractibility and the transmission of nerve impulses. Participate in chemical reactions. It favors the maintenance of normal blood pressure. It also collaborates in the permeability of cell membranes, he adds.

Foods rich in this macromineral

The way to have optimal levels of potassium in the blood is through the consumption of certain foods rich in this mineral, which is found in different food groups:

  • Legumes: Soybeans, lentils.
  • Vegetables and vegetables: Spinach, tomato, broccoli, pumpkin.
  • Whole grains.
  • Nuts.
  • Dried fruit: Raisins, apricots.
  • Fruit fresh: Banana, avocado.
  • Meat.
  • Blue fish.
  • Dairy.
  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the recommended amount of potassium is 3. 500 mg daily per day. And it is that the nutritionist Mnica Prez Garca explains that its deficiency implies health risks with cardiac affectation (tachycardia, arterial hypotension) and neuromuscular, irritability, insomnia, among others.

    In this sense , the most common causes of a lack of potassium in the body are persistent diarrhea and vomiting. Likewise, the use of laxative diuretics and, as well as behavioral disorders can cause said eating phenomenon.

    Finally, this nutrition expert clarifies the importance of incorporating a nutrient such as Potassium: Getting too little potassium can raise blood pressure, lower calcium in your bones, increase your risk of kidney stones and. Its excess also has negative consequences at the renal cardiac level, which is why, in patients with renal failure, for example, it is an adequate control of its precise intake, he concludes.