In ‘turnaround’, the US advises vaccinated to wear a mask – 07/27/2021 – Nelson de Sá

The day after the Brazilian Minister of Health announced that “soon we will no longer need masks”, due to vaccinations, The New York Times, Fox News (below) and other US media have made the headlines which, “in turnaround”, the government of Joe Biden will recommend its use for the vaccinated people.

The same government agency, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), dropped the recommendation two months ago. “The change comes after the increase in infections with the Delta variant of the virus in fully immune people,” says the NYT. The recommendation concerns “high transmission areas”.

It also comes after Israel’s health ministry reported that Pfizer’s effectiveness against the Delta infection fell to 39%, according to a month-long analysis. Against the original virus, it was 94%. Pfizer is the most widely used vaccine in both countries.

In addition to masks, the US government has warned Americans against travel to Israel and several European countries, such as Spain, where the Indian variant continues to grow. Europeans criticize the maintenance of travel restrictions, initiated under Donald Trump, according to the Washington Post.

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