With visual spectacle, Chinese PC celebrates 100 years in the spirit that there would be no new China without a party – 6/30/2021 – world

In an event marked by quintessentially Chinese organization and synchronization, the Chinese Communist Party (Chinese Communist Party) celebrated its 100-year history with a speech by its leader, Xi Jinping, who praised the achievements of Chinese socialism. and addressed the future of the party and parents.

“Only socialism can save China,” Xi told audiences in Tiananmen Square in Beijing on Tuesday morning (1st), Wednesday night in Brazil, as well as to those who followed the celebration through live broadcasts. direct by radio, television and the Internet. The achievements of socialism and the way in which the Chinese-style system is largely responsible for the country’s success occupied much of the speech of the country’s leader.

The ode was also present in the songs sung by a choir of 3,000 students, made up of children and adolescents, which included titles such as “Unity is strength”, “We are the heirs of communism” , Socialism is good ”and“ Without the Communist Party No There would be a New China ”. The audience, made up of military personnel and representatives from different parts of society, followed the song, waving small Chinese flags.

Everything was choreographed, from the dances of the choir to the hundred cannon shots performed, through the ballet of helicopters and fighter planes which formed in the sky the anniversary date “7 1” (July 1 in month and day format), the number one hundred and one rainbow.

Although there was no military parade, the 15 J20 fighters, the most modern in the nation’s fleet, drew attention. Before the speeches, 222 soldiers marched, also perfectly synchronized, from the Monument of the Heroes of the People to the pole to hoist the flag.

Xi spoke from a podium attended by key party members, including his predecessor, Hu Jintao. From the start of his speech, he celebrated the controversial goal of ending poverty in the country, the goal of the first hundred years.

Party propaganda claims that 100 million Chinese have been lifted out of extreme poverty over the past eight years, living on more than US $ 1.90 (R $ 9.50) a day in 832 districts and 128,000 villages.

Since 2012, when Xi took power, the Chinese government has injected nearly $ 250 billion into anti-poverty programs. The policy is, however, contested as it increasingly requires state participation in business.

The Chinese leader attributed this and all the country’s other achievements to socialism and the party. In addition to praising the Chinese system, Xi stressed how fundamental the Chinese CP is for this development to be achieved. “Without the party there would be no new China and there would be no rejuvenation [do país]. “

The times the leader received the most applause, however, were in defense of the country’s sovereignty. “We never intimidate, imprison or subjugate the people of another country and we never will. And we will never let any outside force intimidate us, imprison us or overwhelm us, ”he stressed. “Anyone who dares to try this will have their head bloodied against the great wall of steel forged by more than 1.4 billion Chinese.”

Another moment of strong backlash from the local public was when Xi said that resolving the issue of Taiwan, which Beijing regards as a rebellious province, is an “unwavering commitment” of the Chinese Communist Party.

The leader of the country also said that China defends “one country, two systems” in force in Hong Kong and Macao, but stressed the importance of legislation to guarantee security.

The semi-autonomous territory was the target of severe repression from Beijing after the implementation of the national security law, which led to the imprisonment of several opponents.

In another issue drawing international attention, Xi stressed that there is a “great unity” among the country’s 56 ethnic groups. However, the government is accused of violating human rights against the Uyghur Muslim minority in Xinjiang province.

On the future of the country, Xi stressed the central importance of the party and its principles to ensure the continuity of Chinese development and achieve the goal of the next hundred years, which is the rejuvenation of the nation – a word that was very present in his speech. .

“Always maintain close ties with the people,” he advised current and future party members to stay true to the acronym’s mission. In a message to the young people, Xi said they need to be more confident to contribute to the country and the party, a message that was received with more applause.

After about an hour of speech, the Chinese leader ended his speech with an enthusiastic speech: “Long live the great and glorious Chinese Communist Party! Long live the great heroic Chinese people!

There was a great expectation surrounding the event, which was largely kept a secret while it was being organized. Security in the capital has been tightened, isolated roads and subway stations, and popular shopping areas such as Wangfujing have also been closed.

Although the date is not a public holiday, some Chinese followed the labor event, according to the South China Morning Post. And the long duration of the party, as one might expect, divides opinions.

There are those who want the party to stay in power for another 100 years, such as Fu Yangen, 27, a resident of Beijing. “[O partido] it has enabled us ordinary people to achieve happiness in our lives, ”she said, posing for photos in front of the commemorative flower arrangements on Changan Avenue, one of the main avenues of the capital.

A 21-year-old student identified as Liu is uncomfortable with the party’s strong presence in his daily life, which he says has changed his life.

In addition to Thursday’s big event and other commemorations that have already started in all 23 provinces, the People’s Bank of China, according to a common practice during the celebrations, started issuing commemorative coins last week. In all, there will be nine, three in gold, five in silver, and one in copper. One of the gold coins bears the image of the First Chinese Communist Party Congress in Shanghai.

Special stamps have also been issued showing the party’s “extraordinary 100-year journey”, according to the official press. The images include the Chinese PC emblem and the Great Wall.

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