Chancellor moderates Brazil’s position in Middle East confrontation, marks meeting with Arabs – 05/20/2021 – World

In another example of Itamaraty’s pragmatism under Carlos França, the Brazilian chancellor called on the IDF to exercise “the utmost restraint” in the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip and agreed to receive on Friday (21), a delegation of Arab ambassadors in Brasilia.

Itamaraty’s position was transmitted in writing to the UN Security Council (United Nations) on Sunday (16), so before the announcement of the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. That day, the agency held a public debate – which included the participation of non-board members – on escalating tensions in the Middle East.

The document contains arguments that appeal to Israel, including Brazil’s condemnation of “the indiscriminate launching of rockets against Israeli population centers by Hamas and other militant groups, which are unacceptable and must cease immediately.”

Another passage, however, on “reports of damage to innocent lives and civilian infrastructure caused by Israeli airstrikes,” indicates a nod to the Palestinians. “We call on the Israeli security forces to exercise the utmost restraint and respect international humanitarian law while exercising their inalienable right to self-defense under the Charter of the United Nations,” the text reads.

The minister’s actions do not mean abandoning the Bolsonaro government’s pro-Israel line, but they do indicate moderation from the policy of unrestricted support for Tel Aviv adopted by Ernesto Araújo.

Thus, Itamaraty is also distancing himself from a recent protest by the Brazilian president, who in Twitter messages about violence in the Middle East did not refer directly to the Palestinians.

The call for “restraint” in the use of force, as written in the document submitted by the Foreign Ministry, is criticized by the Israeli government. On Thursday, the United Nations General Assembly held a session on the crisis in the region, and the Israeli representative, Gilad Erdan, complained about the use of the term.

“You [membros da ONU] once again, they call on Israel to exercise restraint in the face of hundreds of indiscriminate attacks every day. I want to ask a question: what would you do if it was with you, your civilians under fire? If it was your family running to bomb shelters, how would the international community react? Would they ask both sides to show restraint if rockets destroy homes in Copenhagen and Paris? I do not think so.”

In another excerpt from the Brazilian document, the Bolsonaro government claims that the potential expulsion of Palestinian families from East Jerusalem by court order, including in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, was one of the factors that triggered the current escalation. violence, “could make the situation even worse. situation “.” We believe that the stay of the trial is welcome [do processo de despejo] by the Supreme Court of Israel. “

“At the heart of the current escalation of violence are unresolved issues that have led to this situation: Israel’s legitimate demand for security, the Palestinians’ legitimate aspiration for justice. We strongly support political dialogue as a means of achieving a just and lasting peace in the Middle East, with Israel and Palestine living side by side with secure and internationally recognized borders. “

Recognition of at least part of the Palestinian claims departs from Bolsonaro’s position on the issue. On May 12, the president posted on Twitter that “the indiscriminate launching of indiscriminate rockets against Israeli territory” is absolutely unjustifiable and that “the offensive of the militants who control the Gaza Strip and the Israeli reaction have already claimed lives and the injured. The sides. “” I extend my condolences to the families of the victims and call for an immediate end to all attacks on Israel, expressing my support for the efforts to reduce tension in Gaza. “

If Bolsonaro’s messages were celebrated by the Israeli government – on Wednesday Israeli Chancellor Gabi Ashkenazi called on Brazil for alignment in Thursday’s speech to the United Nations General Assembly – Brazilian diplomats say interlocutors de Folha, said they were surprised according to the president’s speeches. , which in practice prevented Itamaraty from publishing a public note on the subject.

In addition to a document considered more balanced by diplomats, the Brazilian chancellor also agreed to receive ambassadors from the Arab League for a lunch on Friday at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Throughout the start of the Bolsonaro administration, Arab League ambassadors had no conversations with Ernesto.

Now, they see the agenda with France – requested last week – as a positive sign of openness with the Chancellery. “We are in contact with Itamaraty on the effects of the aggression against Gaza, which resulted in the [agendamento de um] meeting soon with the minister [Carlos França]Arab League Ambassador to Brazil Qaís Shqair said Thursday during a meeting with journalists.

“We will also meet the mayors of the Chamber [Arthur Lira] and the Senate [Rodrigo Pacheco] clarify Brazil’s position on what is happening and convey the vision of Arab countries. The position of the Arab countries is shared by all the Member States [da Liga Árabe], condemning the Israeli aggression against Gaza and condemning violence against civilians. “

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