One month after his resignation, Ernesto says Bolsonaro makes government ‘soulless or ideal’ – 05/01/2021 – World

About a month after resigning from the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ernesto Araújo published on Saturday (1st) in his social network a sequence of posts in a critical tone to the government of President Jair Bolsonaro (without a party).

“A popular, daring and visionary government has turned into a technocratic administration without soul or ideal. They have promised the hearts of the people to the system. The project of building a great nation has weakened in the project of building a parliamentary base, ”explains one of the posts.

“I watched this process with anguish and nonconformity, and did what I could, as much as I could, to preserve the original vision. In this I was almost alone. I have seen the president’s dream confiscated, his convictions annulled, his flame stifled. to suffocate mine.) “, wrote the ex-minister.

After two years as chancellor, Ernesto stepped down under pressure from the top of Congress and amid disagreements with different sectors of society, such as businessmen, agribusiness executives and even businessmen. other sectors of government. He was replaced by Ambassador Carlos Alberto Franco France.

Accused of not having fought the pandemic, the former chancellor complained in the text of his resignation letter, published at the end of March, of a “false and hypocritical account in the service of national and foreign interests, according to which my action would hinder getting vaccines ”.

In his posts on the social network this Saturday (1st), Ernesto said that the government of Jair Bolsonaro had made progress, but in 2020 “the reaction of the system, surfing the pandemic, began to dismantle this hope”.

The former chancellor also commented on reforms and privatizations, some of the strategic policy issues for the government, which won market and liberal brand support for Bolsonaro when he was elected.

“Auctions, privatizations, fiscal and administrative reforms? If the essence of the system is not fought, it will be “Gattopardo” reforms: changes to keep everything the same. No “political articulation” will change Brazil. Only popular pressure, ”he said in the post.

In one of the posts, however, Ernesto takes a more conciliatory tone and states that he continues to support the president. “Many despise the dream of public relations [presidente da República] change Brazil. On the contrary, I have always believed, I have always been and will be with him in his love of freedom and his struggle to free the people from an oppressive system. With popular support, I’m sure he will have the strength to win.

This Saturday, supporters of the president, dressed in green and yellow, gathered on Avenida Paulista, in São Paulo, for a demonstration to defend the opening of unrestricted trade in the pandemic. Traditionally, those who took to the streets on May 1, Labor Day, were the central labor unions that, for security reasons, held virtual meetings.

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