There are many ways to imply that a person does not belong to a certain context. When it comes to women in the spaces of…
New Chancellor opts for ‘smooth transition’, keeps Ernesto’s assistants – 7/7/2021 – World
The new Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carlos França, has decided to make specific changes to the second echelon of Itamaraty and to retain the majority…
Jordanian king says he has cracked down on coup attempt and country is stable
King Abdullah of Jordan announced on Wednesday (7) that the alleged coup attempt in the country had been quelled and the situation was under control.…
The tragedy of Central American migration – 07/04/2021 – Latinoamérica21
Eight in ten people in Central America suffer from a severe food insecurity crisis and are on the brink of extreme poverty, according to the…
Support for the factory in Bolivia brought a new chancellor and Andrade Gutierrez to the height of Lava Jato – 07/04/2021 – World
A project that Brazilian entrepreneurs have dreamed of for two decades led the new Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carlos Alberto França, to leave Itamaraty to…
Folha and UNHCR organize new workshop on Refugee Guidelines – 07/04/2021 – Worldwide
On Thursday (8), Folha and the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) will again promote an online workshop on journalistic guidelines for refugees. The…
Taiwan accuses China of using ‘vaccine diplomacy’ to lure Paraguay
Taiwan again accused China on Wednesday (7) of pledging Covid-19 vaccines to the Paraguayan government in exchange for the end of the South American country’s…
Taiwan threatens to overthrow Chinese drones in another tense day
Amid another day of tension around Taiwan, with Chinese fighters invading the airspace of the island that Beijing considers to be its own, the Taipei…
U.S. Army Studies Using DNA to Identify Unknown Soldiers
An American military cemetery south of Rome has a grave containing remains believed to be that of a young army soldier named Melton Futch. But…
Death of theologian Hans Küng, one of the main critics of the Catholic Church
Hans Küng, a Swiss theologian critical of the Catholic Church, died Tuesday (6) in the city of Tübingen, Germany, at the age of 93, announced…