Mourão defends the strengthening of environmental inspection to give priority to the most affected cities – 23/04/2021 – World

Vice-President Hamilton Mourão defended on Friday (23) that the budget strengthening promised by President Jair Bolsonaro to tackle deforestation in the Amazon rainforest should be used strategically, especially in regions where destruction rates are the lowest. higher.

The government estimates that the increase in resources for environmental inspection will be around R $ 115 million. The amount will be used to cover the employment of the National Force and to increase the volume of operations of Ibama (Brazilian Institute of the Environment) and ICMBio (Instituto Chico Mendes).

“It uses the means at our disposal more economically, putting most of the means where we know we have the most problems. It prevents things where it happens with great speed,” he said. .

The reserve general, who heads the Amazon Council, cited the towns of Altamira and Novo Progresso, in Pará, as an example, where there have been major outbreaks of deforestation. The Amazon plan foresees that priority will be given to actions in 11 municipalities, such as Porto Velho (RO) and São Félix do Xingu (PA).

Mourão stressed that given the goal set by President Jair Bolsonaro of zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, it is now up to the Brazilian government to discuss ways to make this environmental commitment achievable. “It’s not that I don’t see them as achievable. It’s a question we have to sit down and ask ourselves: how am I going to get there? I’m going to get there in 2050 with zero emissions. What are the goals? intermediaries to be reached? ”he declared.

Thursday (22), Bolsonaro spoke at the climate summit, organized by the United States. The speech delivered at the event has aroused the strangeness of those who follow his government’s negligent environmental policy. During the speech, the president said he had determined the duplication of resources for environmental inspection actions in Brazil and pledged to end illegal deforestation by 2030.

Guided by the more moderate wing of Itamaraty, the Brazilian president has not stopped asking foreign countries for money to help protect forests, but he has not demanded resource advances, such as Minister Ricardo Salles (Environment) wished so. The United States has made it clear during negotiations over the past few weeks that it will not transfer funds to Brazil without “concrete actions” and “tangible results” later this year and, although it has initially seeing Bolsonaro’s speech in a positive light, declare that real changes in the posture of the president are to be expected.

The Brazilian president waited more than an hour and a half to speak at the international meeting. Before him, on a list drawn up by the Americans, nearly twenty leaders spoke, including the leaders of China, India, Russia, France and Argentina.

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