Europeans question Biden for failing to release US vaccines

In Le Monde français, “A fourth vaccine for Europeans, but cash delivery problems”. In the German Handelsblatt, “the start of delivery is not yet clear”.

In other words, the approval of the American Johnson & Johnson does not change the situation of lack of vaccines in the European Union, which was already facing the cut of the American Pfizer and Moderna.

And Britain’s AstraZeneca, which had cut deliveries to the EU to less than half, will cut further, reports Britain’s Financial Times.

The news follows a statement from the European Commission, signed by its president, Belgian Charles Michel (above):

“The facts don’t lie. The UK and US impose a total export ban on vaccines and components produced in their territory.”

The New York Times reported the European “accusation”, releasing confirmation Thursday that Boris Johnson “does not export vaccines,” along with Joe Biden:

The United States has also ensured, through a war mechanism called the Defense Production Act, which gives the government control over industrial production. Biden has promised that all adult Americans will have a dose by May. . “


Politico and Axios, who are covering behind the scenes of Washington, highlighted pressure from Congress, including Democrats, for Biden to impose sanctions on Angela Merkel’s Germany over the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which will carry Russian gas to the European Union.

A Republican senator has announced that he will block the appointment of the new CIA director until sanctions begin.


The Wall Street Journal reported the new government’s expansion of a Justice Department task force focused on global corruption, with now 39 prosecutors.

He highlighted the arrival of lawyer Lauren Kootman, from Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe. She “monitored Brazilian petrochemical company Braskem, which agreed in 2016 to pay US $ 3.5 billion to settle corruption charges with US and Brazilian perpetrators.”

The WSJ emphasizes that, once again, “the pieces are in place for aggressive law enforcement [americana] on corruption abroad ”.


In the New York Times headline (above) Thursday, ahead of the US president’s evening speech, “With Aid Package, Biden Takes New Role: Crusader for the Poor,” Advocate for the Poor.

The rationale for the statement, presented below, was that, in the package, it “prioritized Americans living in poverty, a shift towards a politician who focused primarily on the working class.”

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