Boris Traveler will be quarantined under surveillance for 10 days, Boris announces – 27/01/2021 – Worldwide

Travelers arriving in England from Brazil and ‘cannot be refused entry’ must be quarantined in specific locations, under surveillance, for a period of 10 days, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Wednesday. (27). Isolation will be mandatory even for those who test negative for Sars-Cov-2.

The measure is part of a package of new entry restrictions, released today, and also applies to those coming from 21 other places where there is circulation of more contagious coronavirus variants. In the statement, the Home Office said the country “will continue to deny entry to non-UK residents” who come from red zones.

Residents and essential travelers arriving from these countries will be transported from airports and ports to facilities and, in principle, will have to bear the cost of accommodation – details will always be provided by the government, according to the Home Office.

The aim is to contain the transmission of the coronavirus. Earlier in the evening, the prime minister said an easing of restrictions would not come until mid-February, when it will be possible to see whether Covid-19 vaccines reduce hospitalizations and deaths in the country . Schools, he said, will not reopen until March 8.

The United Kingdom is the most advanced western country in terms of vaccination, with more than 11 doses applied per 100 inhabitants (in second place, the United States, with 7/100). Boris said that, keeping this pace, by February 15, the vaccination of the four main risk groups (residents and asylum workers and health workers most at risk) would be completed.

Boris had previously announced the ban on flights from Brazil and other countries, such as South Africa and all of South America. England also banned non-essential overseas travel when it instituted its third lockdown earlier this year.

The government even provided for every passenger, regardless of origin, to be isolated under surveillance, but the lack of seats was worrying. For travelers arriving from other destinations, it is mandatory to provide contact details and the address from which they will perform the isolation, which the government says will also be inspected. The measure applies to everyone, including those who come from the old traffic lanes.

In addition, every passenger over the age of 11 arriving in England must have tested negative for Sars-Cov-2 within 72 hours of departure. According to the government, there will be a random inspection on entry, and the fine for those without the certificate is 500 pounds (over R $ 3,700).

For those who break self-isolation, the fine is 1,000 pounds (7,400 R $) and reaches 10,000 pounds (74,000 R $) for those who resist. There is also a fine of £ 100 (R $ 740) for those who do not complete the contact and address questionnaire.


§ – openings
# – closures

Jan 31, 2020 – first recorded case

March 2020 – first death from Covid-19

March 10, 2020 – After their lockdown in Italy, the British run to supermarkets. UK government rules out lockdown and creates commission to tackle fake news.

§ 13.Mar.2020 – While 31 European countries had already closed schools, Boris defends the maintenance of classes and the scientific adviser defends the objective of “building a kind of collective immunity”

# 16.Mar 2020 – Government decrees four month “vertical isolation” for people over 70, bans public events and calls for work from home

# 17.March 2020 – After study predicting 250,000 deaths if UK does not tighten controls, Boris tightens restrictions

# 20.Mar 2020 – Government closes pubs, restaurants, clubs and discos and announces closure of choices on 23rd

# 23.Mar 2020 – After a weekend of crowded parks, Boris decrees the first confinement

§ 26. Mar 2020 – UK government says testing strategy is only suitable for less developed countries

# 10.Apr.2020 – The Secretary of Health announces the target of 100,000 tests by the end of April; the goal was not reached

§ 28.20.2020 – Advisory Group (Sage) says there is “little scientific justification” for strengthening border controls

§ 6.May 2020 – Boris announces a gradual relaxation of detention

§ 10.May 2020 – Boris asks workers to return to factories

§ 1º.jun.2020 – schools start to reopen

§ 8.Jul.2020 – with a low rate of new cases, the government launches the “Eat out to help” campaign, encouraging restaurant visits to help fight the crisis; the pubs are reopened

§ 14.ago.2020 – Government encourages return to cafes, bars and offices

21.set.2020 – Sage suggests ‘breaker lockout’ — short term lockouts triggered when numbers exceed a certain threshold, rejected by Boris

# 12.out.2020 – Boris launches three-step restriction system

# 31.out.2020 – Boris announces a “partial blocking”, for a period of one month; schools remain open

§ 2.Dec.2020 – The blockade ends and England adopts a four-stage system of restrictions; UK approves use of Pfizer vaccine

§ 16.Dec.2020 – Boris announces the relaxation of restrictions on the five days of Christmas and New Year; at the same time, the government identifies a new, more contagious variant

# 19.Dec2020 – Boris cancels relaxation

# 4.Jan.2021 – Boris decrees the third confinement and cancels the reopening of the school

# 15.Jan.2021 – England bans entry for travelers from Brazil and other countries where contagious variants have been found

# 27.Jan.2021 – Boris imposes a ten-day quarantine in specific facilities for those arriving from Brazil and 22 other origins; Government announces schools will not reopen until March 8

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