Trump’s impeachment vote in the House widens the split within the Republican Party – 14/01/2021 – Worldwide

A group of Donald Trump’s most staunch allies in the House of Representatives (equivalent to the House of Representatives in Brazil) calls on Wyoming MP Liz Cheney and Republican Party number three in the House to step down as leader after that she voted for the impeachment of the president.

The case amplified the difficult bickering in the acronym and sparked a muddled internal conflict that could define the party’s future.

Members of the ultra-conservative Caucus da Liberdade, including its chairman, Rep. Andy Biggs (from Arizona), as well as MPs Jim Jordan (Ohio) and Matt Gaetz (Florida), circulate a petition asking Cheney to to resign. his role as speaker of the House Republican Conference, declaring that his vote against Trump “dishonored the conference and produced discord.”

Cheney was one of ten Republicans who broke with the party on Wednesday (14) and voted for the president’s charge of “inciting insurgency” for his role in inciting the mob that invaded the Capitol.

“One of these ten can’t be our leader,” Gaetz said in an interview with Fox News on “Hannity” Wednesday night. “It is unacceptable, unsustainable, and we must change direction.”

Cheney has rejected calls for his resignation, saying he’s “not going anywhere” and calling his break with Trump a “vote of conscience.”

Other party members who have criticized the president have also come forward in his defense.

“Liz has more support today than two days ago,” said Representative Adam Kinzinger (Illinois), who also voted to impeach Trump. “She has earned immeasurable respect.”

Kinzinger suggested Republicans like Jordan should be ousted, following the invasion and impeachment.

Cheney’s leadership debate reflects the Republican Party’s deep divides from Trump, which demands complete loyalty from the acronym – which he generally had until recently.

While prominent figures withdrew from the type of inflammatory politics advocated by Trump after the January 6 riot, fearing it could cause the party to collapse, a large faction continues to resist its abandonment.

Republican senators face exactly this dilemma as they weigh how to vote for the impeachment trial that could begin next week.

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