It wasn’t just in the vaccine that Brazil failed – 01/10/2021 – Ronaldo Lemos

It’s disgusting that the Covid-19 vaccination hasn’t started yet. This in itself shows unpreparedness and disregard for the disease. It wasn’t just in the vaccine, however, that we failed. We absolutely ignore all disease control strategies that have been successfully implemented in other countries.

Now the focus in the West is on vaccination. However, many countries are in no hurry as they have managed to control Covid-19 in other ways.

Take South Korea’s example: the country’s strategy was very clear from the start. Permanent mass tests of the population. This made it possible to identify asymptomatically infected people who were isolated, as well as those who had contact with them.

Result: The country had a total of 67,000 cases of Covid-19 and 1,081 deaths out of a population of 51 million. Why are we discarding mass tests? Why wasn’t it discussed in Brazil?

Another humiliating example for us is the case of Vietnam. The country with 95 million inhabitants is now the 40th economy in the world (Brazil remains the 9th). 1,509 cases of Covid-19 and 35 have been killed since the pandemic began.

What was the country’s strategy? A permanent campaign coordinated by the central government that resulted in the use of masks and the habit of constantly washing one’s hands. All in connection with an organization of 45 response teams across the country, stationed in 31 private hospitals.

Vietnam developed its own Covid-19 test in order to avoid imports. Now, in the quiet of the world, he’s finalizing his own vaccine to be used nationwide in six months. Why are we excluding nationwide national coordination? Why are we giving up courage?

Other regions where the word “pandemic” has been left behind include Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China itself, and Japan.

In these countries, one of the strategies has been the extensive use of technology to control Covid. The use of applications that made it possible to control the circulatory system and quickly isolate the infected and anyone in contact with them. In addition, they all put in place strict lockdown measures at the right time and for a short time.

Why did Brazil give up on using technology to prevent Covid when it started? Why do we stay “opening and closing” in unpredictable and ineffective ways?

There was spectacularization, confusion, laziness and controversy among us. Without being able to define a strategy to fight Covid, we made the statement that “no wind helps someone who does not know which port they are sailing to”. Currently there are not even syringes available to deliver the vaccine.

The result will be recorded in history forever. So far more than 200,000 deaths, millions of cases and no prospect of a return to social and economic normalcy. We ignore everything that worked in the fight against the disease. We have failed in everything and especially in the task of building our own way.

More than ever before, we remain in a trance as a country.


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