Color unity in Biden’s costumes mimics union discourse, points to suffragists – 20/01/2021 – Worldwide

For the first time in American history, at least from a fashion standpoint, a presidential inauguration failed to draw attention to the first lady. Not even the first female vice president of the United States, Kamala Harris, whose outfit could steal the show from Jill Biden, wife of Democrat Joe Biden.

Excited by the speech of national unity, the new leaders, their partners and guests made a political manifesto by combining colors and rolling out the red carpet in emerging American design.

It was not a garish red carpet, as the Republican libretto indicated, but a sea of ​​variations of purple, the tones of which save the colors of the British suffragettes of the beginning of the 20th century. There was also a medium between democratic blue and green which, from the movement led by Emmeline Pankhurst in the Women’s Social and Political Union, symbolized hope for greater female representation.

This unprecedented unity was present even among the most famous guests at the ceremony. Former First Ladies Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton adhered to the chromatic rule proposed by Kamala’s purple robe and cloak. Both were in a full look on two purple scales.

One was lit and dyed according to Hillary custom, combined with an exaggerated “pussy knot”, the same “female tie” worn by the Vice President in her victory speech in November; the other, a marsala tone drawn to the wine, was a sort of nod to Michelle’s Republican color. Purple, by the way, is a mixture of blue and red, the colors that represent Republicans and Democrats respectively.

Former First Lady Laura Bush, in turn, wore a blue Democratic suit, much like the color of the tie of her husband, former Republican President George W. Bush. During Trump’s four-year tenure, he criticized, in a clear and direct manner, the fanaticism embedded in American politics.

Since Tuesday (19), Kamala and Jill Biden have already sent signals of what they would show in possession. At the memorial to the victims of Covid, the now first lady wore a purple outfit from emerging designer Jonathan Cohen, while Kamala wore a camel-colored coat from young Kerby Jean-Raymond, from Pyer Moss.

African-American and very active during the presidential campaign, Jean-Raymond encouraged voters to vote and donated thousands of dollars to help institutions fight the country’s pandemic.

Today, it is young designers from a broken industry who are rising to the White House. At the opening ceremony, Christopher John Rogers, also a black stylist, signed on for Kamala’s coat – the dress is by Sergio Hudson, the same designer who signs the look of Michele Obama – and Alexandra O’Neill, of Markarian , created the turquoise set with crystals and pearls of the First Lady.

The beads were Jill’s homage to vice, as Kamala typically uses stones of the type in awe of the sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha, from Howard University, where she graduated from. At the ceremony this Wednesday, the new number 2 in the USA presented a version of the sorority necklace, with pearls spread over the knees.

The All-Star he wears on a daily basis and has become one of his brands did not appear in possession, but flooded the internet during the event, with supporters posting pictures with Kamala’s favorite sneakers.

In the years to come, the MP will have her costumes scrutinized carefully and, according to fashion magazines, she will wear the new American work uniform: comfortable, loose and unpretentious, like everyone’s clothes in this pandemic.

President Biden also mimicked the idea of ​​unity by choosing a blue tie with a light lilac hue. The jacket and pants set is signed by Ralph Lauren, the same brand chosen this Wednesday – and during the 2016 race – by the supporter Hillary Clinton.

Lauren, it should be remembered, is considered the American designer by definition for mixing up stereotypes of Midwestern workers – plaid shirts, heavy boots – and the starched “preppy” of the East.

So many references show a desire to unify a fissured country, as the extremist invasion of Capitol Hill revealed earlier this month. Obviously, the purples, greens, yellows, and whites of the suffragist card don’t heal wounds, but they speak to the American people of the possibility, even for a day, of making America great again. In another way.

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